Saturday, November 3, 2007

Hair Ribbons For Volley


Year 100 dA (after the verdict of God)

I had my eyes closed ... But I felt strong the sun's warmth on my eyelids and the light that penetrated powerfully.
could hear the birds singing, I wanted to throw open their eyes, but could not, as they were atrophied. I do not know it was the first time in my life that my body could feel the flow High blood flowing in his veins and the heart that pumps it.
Suddenly someone shook my hand it was as if I could not get up yet ... I felt as if dreaming about my mother's voice calling me by name, "Samuel, Samuel ... Are you awake?"
was how he managed to open their eyes and see the rays of the sun letting his way through the thick vegetation that covered a blue sky, which gave glimpses ...
Then my mother's face ... In tears ... The trembling hand ... The shrill voice ... I started to sweat, I did not remember anything. What had happened to me?
The last image I had in mind was that of a hard braking, then the black-out complete ... And now ... The light!
"Mom what happened?
But my mom's face was bathed in tears and instead of answering me he fell on his neck, sobbing, almost seemed out of breath ...
"Mom, Mom, calm down, are you okay?"
"How can I get better," was answering trembling, "This is the Day of Resurrection, my son and you're back from the dead!"
"Nonsense, mother!" I was angry. "Even with this story of the resurrection? ... I want to understand whether or not I do not believe?", And as I spoke my brother approached petting a lion ...

"Marco! Marco! To give up on the beast!" But he casually caressed him, and the lion licked her hand. As they approached, I got up to withdraw, but a hand on my shoulder stopped me ... I turned ... MY FATHER! ...
"Daddy what are you doing here you are dead for twenty years !"...
"I was dead son, God has risen!"
So it was that I fell on my knees with hands and shouting "Wake up! Wake up !"... But when I began to feel the swelling on my cheeks blush and beatings, bent his head defeated ... Him up ... holding on to a tree, I bent in two, I was wrong ...
I had been raised by the God in whom I had never believed - Job 33:27-30, Acts 00:15

Signed by all those who do not believe in the wonderful promises of the Holy Bible.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Naughty Cake Designs For Males

What I need to know to meet the needs of my child? Postpartum depression what to do?

The first impact with the world

children at birth are found suddenly in a cold and inhospitable world, a world full of stress. Being so small they can not express in words how they feel, but some scientists believe that before birth the fetus is aware of what is happening.
The book The Secret Life before birth says: "We now know that the unborn child is a human being aware and able to react, that from the sixth month onwards (and maybe even before) has an active emotional life. " Even if the child will not remember the traumatic experience of childbirth, some scientists question whether this has no influence on his adult life. After the birth
stress continues. Out of the womb the baby no longer receives nourishment automatically. The umbilical cord, carrying oxygen and nutrients, is no more. To survive, the child must begin to breathe and to take the nutrients on their own. He needs someone to feed him and meets his other physical needs.
The baby also needs to develop mentally, emotionally and spiritually. So someone has to take care of him. Who is best placed to do this? What needs to receive the baby from the parents? How these needs can be met at your best?

desires and needs of children

since birth the baby needs tender care, including strokes and skin contact. Some doctors believe that the first 12 hours after birth are crucial. They say that immediately after giving birth what the mother and child are most in need and desire is not "neither sleep nor food, but to touch and cuddle, look and listen." - TR Verny and J. Kelly, op. cit., p. 94.
Parents rise, embrace, caress and pamper their child instinctively. Little in turn becomes attached to parents and responding to their attention. This bond is so strong that parents will make sacrifices for continuous care for their child.
On the other hand, if it lacks this bond of love the baby could literally waste away and die. So some doctors believe it is important that the child be given to the mother immediately after birth. According to their mother and baby should stay together for at least 30-60 minutes.
Despite the importance that some damage to the bond between mother and infant, some hospitals in the early contact can be difficult, if not impossible. Often infants are separated from the mother to protect them from the danger of infection. Some studies, however, indicate that the rate of fatal infections may even fall when the babies are with their mother. Thus, more and more hospitals are in favor of allowing a longer early contact between the two.
Concerns about the link between mother and child

Some mothers do not become attached to their child at the very moment when they see it. So you say, 'I will be hard to feel emotionally close to my baby?' Admittedly, not all mothers love their baby at first sight. However, there is reason to be anxious.
Even when a mother's love is not immediate, it can develop fully later. A mother expert notes: "Nothing that happens at birth is crucial so as to determine by itself, for good or ill, your relationship with the child." However, if you are expecting a baby and fears, it might be wise to talk about it in advance with the obstetrician. Express your wishes clearly, explaining when and how long you want to interact with the baby.
"Talk to me!"

seems that there are certain time periods in which children are particularly sensitive to specific stimuli. After a while 'those periods end. For example, children learn a language with ease, and even more than one. But it seems that the period in which the mind is more receptive to learning languages \u200b\u200bcoming to an end around five years.
After the child has reached 12-14 years, learning a language can be a challenge. According to Peter Huttenlocher, an expert in pediatric neurology at that age, "the density and the number of synapses in the brain areas responsible for language decline." It is clear that the first years of life are key to developing the ability to speak a language.
How do children succeed in learning to speak, which is so important for the rest of cognitive development? Mainly due to verbal interactions with parents. The children in particular respond to stimuli from other human beings. "The baby. . . mimics the mother's voice, "says Barry Arons, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Interestingly, however, that babies do not imitate all the sounds. As observed by Arons, the baby does not play the creaking of the cradle that simultaneously feels the mother's voice. "
Parents of different cultures communicate with their children using all the same way rhythmic talk that some call "genitorese. When the mother or the father speak so affectionate, the baby's heart beat faster. It is believed that this helps the child to relate the words with the objects associated with them. Without a word the child says, "Talk to me!"

"Look at me!"

has been shown that approximately the first year of life the child develops an emotional attachment with the adult who takes care of him, usually the mother. If the child feels secure in this relationship, has less difficulty in dealing with others than children who do not have a close relationship with the parent. It is believed that this bond with the mother must first establish the three years.
What can happen if the baby is neglected during this crucial period in which his mind is highly receptive to external influences? Martha Farrell Erickson, who followed 267 mothers and their children for over 20 years, expressed this opinion: "The child who is neglected is slowly but surely sapped the spirit until you feel the desire to establish a relationship with others or explore the world. "
To explain what you think about the serious consequences that result from neglecting the emotional needs of the newborn, Dr. Bruce Perry of Texas Children's Hospital says: "If you asked me to take a child to choose between six months and break all the bones on an emotional level or ignore it for two months, I would say that the child would be better that we break all the bones. " Why? According to Perry, "the bones are back together, but if the baby's brain is not stimulated for two months at a time so critical, will always remain disorganized." Not all believe that this damage is irreparable. However, scientific studies indicate that an environment that meets the emotional needs is essential to the child's mind.
"In short," says the book, babies "are ready to love and be loved. " (Infants) When a baby is crying, often is begging her parents to watch it. It is important that parents react affectionate. Through these interactions, the infant becomes aware that it is able to make known their needs to others. He is learning to forge relationships.

'It's not that spoil the child?'

You may wonder, 'If I rush every time the baby cries, is not it spoil?' Possibly. The opinions on this vary a lot. As each child is different, Most parents have to determine what works best in their case. However, some recent research indicates that when the baby is hungry is restless or agitated your body produces stress hormones, and he expresses his discomfort crying. Apparently, when the parent meets the child's needs and satisfy them, begins to create in the child's brain neural networks that help it to learn to calm down. Moreover, according to Dr. Megan Gunnar, a child who has received loving care produces less cortisol, a stress hormone. And when you shake, his reaction to stress out before.
"Indeed," said Erickson, "the children who received attention promptly and consistently, especially during the first 6-8 months of life, cry less than babies who were ignored when they cried. " It is also important to vary the way you respond to the baby's crying. If you react in the same way, eg by feeding it or taking it in her arms, the child may become very spoiled. It can sometimes be enough to respond to her crying saying something. Or it can be effectively go near him and talk softly to your ear. It might even be enough to touch her back or tummy with your hand.
"Crying is the job of the child," they say in the East. For the baby crying is the primary way to communicate what wants. How would you feel if you were ignored every time I ask something? How then should feel your baby, so helpless if there is someone who cares for him, if trascuraste whenever he wants attention? But who should take care of him when he cries?

"Silent Children"

Some doctors say that in Japan are increasing cases of children who do not cry and laugh. The pediatrician Satoshi Yanagisawa calls them "children quiet." Why kids are no longer express their emotions? Some doctors believe that the problem occurs because they lose contact with their parents. They call it apathy forced. According a theory, if the need to communicate is constantly ignored or misunderstood in the end the kids cut themselves.
If the child is not given the appropriate stimulation at the right time, the part of his brain that put him in a position to understand others may not develop, says Bruce Perry, chief of psychiatry at Children's Hospital of Texas. If the emotional needs of children are being neglected so far, their capacity for empathy can go irretrievably lost. Perry believes that in some cases the use of drugs, alcohol abuse or violence by adolescents could be linked to these early life experiences.
The bond between parent and child grows stronger as the two communicate

Who should take the child?

According to a survey done recently in the United States from birth through third grade, 54 percent of children are regularly cared for by people who are not parents. Perhaps many families need two entrances to get to the end of the month. And many mothers bring into motherhood for a few weeks or months, if possible, to take care of their child. But who will take care of the child later?
Of course there are no fast rules for making those decisions. However, remember that your child is still vulnerable during this important period of his life. Parents would do well to seriously consider the whole thing. To decide what to do should carefully consider the alternatives.
"It is becoming increasingly clear that to let our children grow up to be child-care facilities, even the best there is, does not replace the time when children need from their father and mother," said Joseph Zanga , the American Academy of Pediatrics. Some experts have expressed concern that the children entrusted to the kindergartens and nurseries do not have the opportunity to interact with those who take care of them insofar as they need it.
Some working mothers, aware of the basic needs of their child, have preferred to remain at home rather than leaving it up to others to take care of their children on an emotional level. One woman said: "I was rewarded with a satisfaction that I honestly believe that no other job could give me." Of course, economic pressures do not allow all mothers to do this kind of choice. Many parents have no alternative but to use childcare facilities, so make an extra effort to give the child attention and affection when they are together. Similarly, many single parents who work, while having little choice in this respect, are exceptional efforts to raise their children and have excellent results. Parenting can be
a joyful and exciting task. But it is also difficult and demanding. How can you succeed?

Provide children what they need

CLEAR is that young children need lots of attention and apparently many do not receive what they need. The condition of young people today means just that. "Our young people have never been so isolated from their families, depriving them of experience and practical wisdom," he said with disappointment, a researcher quoted in the Globe and Mail of Toronto.
What went wrong? The problem may be attributed, at least in part, because that you underestimate the importance of giving attention to the smallest? "We all need to learn how to become parents," says a psychologist who helps mothers with low incomes to learn how to take care of their child. "And we need to understand that we will be abundantly repaid the time we spend time with our children."
Even the smallest need of regular education. Not just a few minutes here and there should be regular throughout the day. The time spent with children from infancy on, is essential to grow well.

must prepare

order to fulfill their responsibilities seriously, Parents need to prepare for the arrival of their baby. They could be a useful principle that Jesus Christ pointed to the importance of talking planned in advance. He said: "Who among you wants to build a tower does not first sit down and make does not calculate the cost?" Raising children is often called a company twenty years, and is much more complicated than building a tower. So it is necessary to raise a child, so to speak, a project.
First, it is important to prepare mentally and spiritually for the responsibilities that accompany parenthood. According to a study done on 2,000 pregnant women in Germany, children of mothers who did not forward to having a family were more healthy, emotionally and physically, than those of mothers who do not want children. On the other hand, one researcher has estimated that the woman trapped in a stormy marriage runs a risk of 237 per cent bigger than having a child with emotional or physical problems in relation to the woman who has a secure marriage.
is clear, therefore, that the father plays an important role because the child will grow well. Dr. Thomas Verny noted: "Few things are more dangerous to the physical and mental wellbeing of the child of a father who neglected or abused his wife during pregnancy. (Op. cit., P. 27) Indeed it is often said that the best gift a child can receive is to hear that the mother is loved by his father.
hormones related to anxiety and stress in the mother's bloodstream can affect the fetus. However it is believed that only the intense and prolonged anxiety is not dangerous to the fetus and negative emotions sporadic or individual stressful events. It seems that the most important thing is what he feels for the woman the child in her womb.
What if your husband are expecting a baby but do not support you, or if you do not like the idea of \u200b\u200bbecoming a mother? It is not unusual circumstances that lead a woman to feel depressed because of pregnancy. Always remember, however, that your child has no guilt. How can you, therefore, maintain a calm attitude despite the adverse circumstances?
The wise counsel of the Bible, have helped millions of people. It reads: "In everything let your requests be made known to God by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, and the peace of God that excels all thought will guard your hearts and your mental faculties through Christ Jesus." You will be surprised to find out to what extent, applying this suggestion in your life, you will be helped to follow the advice: "Do not be anxious about anything." You will feel the loving hand of the Creator, who is able to take care of you.

It is not an unusual experience

In the first weeks after birth, some young mothers are an inexplicable sadness and feel apathetic. Even women who were glad to have a child may become sad. These mood swings are not unusual, since hormone levels after childbirth can have huge swings. It is also normal for a mother beginners feel overwhelmed by all that motherhood entails: breastfeeding, changing diapers and taking care of a child who has no timetable.
A mother had come to believe that her baby was crying just to harass her. Not surprisingly, an expert on Japanese education has said: "Nobody can avoid stress that comes from raising a child. " According to this specialist, "the mother the most important thing is not to isolate ever."
Although sometimes had to feel depressed, the mother can ensure that your child is not affected by his mood swings. Time magazine explained: 'Among the mothers who suffered from depression, those who managed to win the melancholy, filling their children's attention and engaging in fun games, children of nature were much more cheerful'.

What can the father

The father is often in the best position to give help and support they need. When the baby cries in the middle of the night, in many cases the father might think to look after the child so as to allow his wife to sleep.
Jesus Christ has given to husbands the perfect example. Even gave his life for his followers. So the husbands who sacrifice their comforts and take steps to look after the children are imitating Christ. In fact, raising a child is a company in two, an effort that must involve both parents.

A joint effort

"My wife and I have agreed in detail how to raise our daughter," said Yoichiro, who has a child of two years. "Whenever a problem arises, we reason together to see how to deal with. " Yoichiro realizes that his wife needs to rest and often takes his daughter with him when he leaves to attend to some business.
In the past, when families usually were numerous and united, they could count on parents of older children and their families to look after the children. So no surprise that a woman who works at a pediatric clinic in Kawasaki, Japan, has said: "In most cases the mothers will feel relieved when talking to other problems they face in raising children. Many mothers receive very little aid was enough to be able to succeed despite the obstacles. "
The Parents magazine says that parents "need to have several people you can call to talk about their concerns." Where can you find? Those who have just had a baby can benefit from being open-minded and listening to their parents and in-laws. Of course, the grandparents should recognize that the final decision rests with the young couple.
Parents, of course, need to be selective when listening to the opinions of others. "Suddenly all the people around us became experts in educating children," says Yoichiro. His wife, Takako, admits: "Initially when people gave me advice I am annoyed because I had the impression criticizing my lack of experience as a mother. " Yet, drawing from each other many husbands and many wives have been helped to have a balanced concept with respect to providing children what they need.

The best help that there is

He who knows best course of all is God. For example, some 3,500 years ago Moses, a prophet of God, wrote: "You must love God with all thy heart and with all your soul and with all your vital force." Then he added: "These words which I command you today shall be in thine heart, and you must inculcate in your child and talk about them when you sit in your house and when you walk the road and when you lie down and when you get "What do you think the meaning of this council of the Word of God? Is not that one must educate the children on a regular basis, day after day? It really is not enough to program them with their children from time to time the so-called "quality time". Since the important moments of communication are often spontaneous and unpredictable, it is necessary that you present in your children's lives. This will help you to follow the command: "Train up a boy according to the road for him."
'Train' good little children also means reading them aloud. Timothy, a disciple of the first century, 'he had known the sacred writings from childhood '. It is clear that when he was still a baby his mother Eunice and grandmother Lois's read aloud. It is good that you begin to do this as soon as you start talking to your child.
What if a mother feels deep sadness and a sense of despair and also feels detached from her child and the world? May suffer from postpartum depression.

I won the battle with postpartum depression

I remember watching my husband play happily with our new baby and thought that they would be happier without me. I felt I was becoming a burden to them. I wanted to take the car, leave and never return. Not I realized that they suffer from postpartum depression.
I was afraid of being with others, even with old friends. If someone came to the door unexpectedly, I hid in the bedroom. I left the house a mess, and I'm distracted and confused me with ease. I enjoy reading, but it became almost impossible because I could not concentrate. I found it hard to pray, so my spiritual health suffers. I felt emotionally numb, unable to feel love for anyone. I was afraid of hurting the girls because I was not thinking correctly. My self-esteem collapsed. I thought I was crazy.

The road to recovery

Without the loving support of my husband, healing was definitely much slower. Jason listened patiently when I vented confide my fears. Riscontrai for me was very important not to suppress what I felt. Sometimes it even seemed angry. But Jason always assured me that he loved me and that I was not alone to face that situation. He always tried to help me see the positive side of things. Later I apologized for what I had said in a moment of anger. Reassured me saying that it was my disease talking. When I look back now, I realize how important for me his thoughtful expressions. Together
finally found a very friendly doctor who took the time to listen how I felt. Diagnosed that I was suffering from postpartum depression and advised me a medication to control the frequent attacks of anxiety. I also encourage you to consult a mental health specialist. I also recommended to do regular exercise, which has helped many to fight depression.
One of the biggest obstacles that I found on the road to healing is to face the shame that accompanies postpartum depression. People often find it difficult to show empathy to those who have a disease that does not understand. Postpartum depression is not, say, a broken leg, that others can see and which may therefore be taken into account. However, my family and close friends were very encouraging and understanding.

The loving support of family and friends

During that difficult time Jason and I have appreciated the help of my mother. Sometimes he needed a little 'breathing agitation that in the house. Mom was always positive and did not try to shoulder all of my work, in fact, supported me and encouraged me to do what I could.
Even friends have proved a great support. Many sent notes to tell us that I thought. I like those kind words were dear! Especially because I found it difficult to talk with people, to the phone and in private. Thus, writing, friends showed not only to understand the limitations caused by depression, but also confirmed their love and their concern for me and my family.

is not a life sentence

Now I'm much better, thanks to the advice of my doctor, family support and understanding of friends. I still exercise regularly, even when I feel tired, because it helped me to heal. I also try to respond positively to the encouragement of others. In difficult times I read books and listen to uplifting music self motivating. Find things that help me to be positive. It took me more than two and a half years to get to try more fully and show love for my husband, girls and others. As this was a difficult time for my family, we feel more united than ever. I am especially grateful to Jason, who confirmed to me his love in an extraordinary way enduring the worst moments of my depression and being always ready to support me when I needed it.
There are still days when I feel down, but with the help of my family, my doctor, friends, the light at the end of the tunnel becomes brighter. Postpartum depression is not a life sentence. It is an enemy that can defeat.

Factors that could cause postpartum depression

addition to hormonal changes, other things can cause postpartum depression. Some are: 1
. The ideas that a woman is motherhood, which could be the result of an unhappy childhood and a difficult relationship with their parents.
2. Unrealistic expectations imposed on mothers by society.
3. Cases of depression in the family.
4. Marital dissatisfaction and lack of support from close relatives or distant.
5. Low self-esteem.
6. Feeling overwhelmed or burdened having to deal with the baby full time.
This list is not complete. Postpartum depression may depend on other factors. In fact we do not know yet completely causes.

More than just "baby blue"

postpartum depression should not be confused with common mood changes following childbirth. Dr. Laura J. Miller says: "The most common type of mood disturbance that occurs after birth is to become known as 'baby blue'. . . . About 50% of mothers passing this sad period of emotional fragility. Usually reaches its peak between the third and fifth days after birth and then gradually disappears on its own within a few weeks. " According to the researchers this melancholy may be due to changes in hormone levels following childbirth.
Unlike the "baby blue ", postpartum depression involves prolonged states of depression that may start at birth of the child or even weeks or months later. The new mom who suffers a moment could be in good spirits and immediately feel depressed, even suicidal thinking. Also could be irritable, touchy and angry. You may feel a lingering sense of inadequacy as a mother and a lack of love for her child. Miller says: "Some mothers know clinically depressed at the mental level of loving her child, but do not feel anything but apathy, irritation or disgust. Others feel the desire to do harm to their baby or even kill him. "
postpartum depression is a phenomenon that has a long history. Already in the fourth century BCE the greek doctor Hippocrates noted the dramatic changes in psychological suffering some women after childbirth. A study published in a medical journal, explained: "postpartum depression is a real problem in many countries about 10-15% of mothers." Unfortunately, however, "in most cases, this depression is not diagnosed correctly and is not duly taken care of," says the magazine. - Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research.
A less common but more serious disorder that occurs after childbirth is postpartum psychosis. Sufferers may experience hallucinations, hearing voices and losing all contact with reality, though perhaps in itself for intermittent periods lasting hours or days. The cause of this psychosis are unclear, but Miller notes that "the genetic vulnerability, perhaps triggered by hormonal changes, seems to be the determining factor." A good doctor can prescribe an effective treatment for postpartum psychosis.

help themselves

1. If the depression persists, contact a doctor. Before you do, you will first begin the healing process. Find a sympathetic doctor who is familiar with the disease. Try not to be ashamed of your depression and not feel embarrassed if you have to take medication.
2. He regularly exercise. Research has shown that regular exercise can be an effective remedy against depression.
3. Tells you who is closest to how you feel. Do not isolate yourself and do not suppress what you feel.
4. Remember that you should not have a perfect home. Try to simplify your life by focusing on the essentials.
5. Pray for courage and patience. If you find it hard to pray, ask someone to pray with you. Continuing to feel guilty or feel unworthy may only delay healing.

Tips for men

1. Recognize that your wife is not to blame if you suffer from postpartum depression. If the depression persists, help her find a doctor who understands the problem and be sympathetic.
2. Listen with patience, your wife. Try to understand his feelings. Do not bother if it is pessimistic. Help her politely to see the positive side of things and reassure them that will improve. Do not presume to solve all the problems mentioned. Maybe you just want to be comforted, not get logical answers. (1 Thessalonians 5:14) Remember that postpartum depression makes it difficult for sufferers to think logically and clearly.
3. Reduce non-core activities to have more time to help your wife. This could speed up his recovery.
4. Make sure you have some 'time for yourself. A good physical health, mental and spiritual you will be more helpful to your wife.
5. Try to talk to someone who will encourage you, perhaps a more spiritually mature man whose wife suffered from postpartum depression.

What is postpartum depression

What happens to me? I just had a beautiful healthy baby. I should be happy and proud, but I feel so down and anxious, even angry. Am I a bad mother? Why am I so depressed?
if you just had a baby, maybe try feeling like that. In this case, you are not alone. It is estimated that 70 to 80 percent of new mothers sometimes prove similar sentiments. But what postpartum depression and what causes it? How can you overcome it? What help can give family members and others?


The term "postpartum depression" includes depressive episodes following childbirth. These may occur after the birth of a child, not necessarily the first or even after a miscarriage or termination of a pregnancy. According to the office that deals with women's health of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the severity of symptoms can vary greatly.
After childbirth, many women go through the so-called "baby blue", a period marked by melancholy, anxiety, irritability, mood swings and fatigue. These changes are considered normal, are of short duration and resolves itself in about ten days without medical intervention. However
the American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists estimates that in 1 out of 10 new mother these feelings persist and worsen after the first day. They can even occur several months after birth. This may be true postpartum depression, in which feelings of sadness, anxiety or despair are so intense that the new mother can not cope with daily tasks.
addition of 1 to 3 in 1,000 new mothers suffer from some form of depression called postpartum psychosis even worse, suffering that is hallucinations that often lead to harm to himself or the child. This condition requires immediate medical care.


There is no definite single cause of postpartum depression. It seems that there are both physical and emotional factors involved. A physical factor might be that during the first 24-48 hours after delivery, estrogen and progesterone levels fall dramatically, resulting in lower than before conception and creating an abrupt change in the physiological functions of the organism. This can cause depression, more or less as before menstrual cycles occur tension and mood swings. After delivery might decrease the level hormones produced by the thyroid, causing symptoms similar to those of depression. For these reasons, researchers tend to define postpartum depression a biochemical and hormonal disorder. "
is interesting that a medical report suggests that postpartum depression can be caused by a nutritional imbalance, perhaps by a lack of vitamin B-complex
Fatigue and lack of sleep also have an important role. Dr. Steven I. Altchuler, a psychiatrist at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota (USA), says: "In the period immediately following childbirth, lack of power and lack of sleep can make it look much bigger problems insignificant. Some women may feel frustrated by finding that he could not do the things they did before giving birth without difficulty, without 'baby blue' and slept all night. " Emotional factors such as an unplanned pregnancy, premature birth, the loss of freedom, concern for their physical appearance and lack of support may also increase depression. In addition, several
platitudes about being mother may contribute to a woman and make her feel depressed to think of being a failure. These include the idea that motherhood is instinctive, emotional bond that should be immediate, that the baby will be perfect and never nervous, and that the new mom should be perfect. In reality this is not the case. The duties of motherhood you have to learn the emotional bond often requires time, some children are easier to care for others, and no parent is perfect or is a "supermom."

increasingly recognized

Until recently, postpartum depression was often not taken seriously. Dr. Laurence Kruckman, notes: "In the past, mental health problems of women were undervalued and defined hysterical and not worrisome. The American Psychiatric Association diagnostic manual has never fully recognized the presence of a postpartum illness, and therefore the doctors are uninformed and do not have reliable data available. . . . And unlike 30 years ago, mothers often return home from the hospital within 24 hours. Most of postpartum psychosis, the 'baby blue' and some degree of depression occur from 3 to 14 days after delivery. So the mothers are already at home and not under the supervision of professionals aware of the symptoms. "
However according to Dr. Carol E. Watkins of Northern County Psychiatric Associates, an agency in Baltimore, Maryland (USA), if undiagnosed or untreated, postpartum depression can cause a long-term depression and difficulties in establishing an emotional bond with the baby. Mothers depressed may passively ignore the needs of the child or not control themselves and use the hard way to deal with the baby. This may adversely affect cognitive and emotional development of children.
For example, an article published in a medical journal suggests that children of depressed mothers succeed less well on cognitive tests than those whose mothers were not depressed. (American Family Physician) In addition, postpartum depression can adversely affect other children and husband.


What can you do? Just hold on? It is comforting to know that postpartum depression is temporary and can be cured. According the above-mentioned office that deals with women's health, rest and family support could be sufficient for mild symptoms, but if the depression prevents you from carrying out your activity you should consult your doctor.
Some common treatments are administration of antidepressants, meetings with a specialist mental health, hormone treatments or a combination of all this, according to the seriousness of the case. The "kangaroo care", ie direct contact with the baby, can relieve postpartum depression. There are also alternative therapies such as herbal, acupuncture and homeopathic remedies.
However, there are things you can do yourself, including eating foods nutrients (including fruit, vegetables and whole grains), avoid caffeine, sugar and alcohol, exercising moderately and taking a nap while the baby sleeps. Zoraya, a Christian mother who cried for days after the birth of a healthy baby girl, says he has managed to overcome depression by engaging in normal activities as soon as possible of the ministry of Jehovah's Witnesses. - For more tips see the accompanying box.

What help can give others?

As one of the main factors of postpartum depression is due to the lack of rest, others can help arrange some housework and giving a hand to care for the newborn. Note that when the extended family gathers around the new mom to give advice and help you experience a lot fewer cases of postpartum depression. Many times you can be of great help listening fondly, being reassuring and avoid criticizing or judging. Remember that postpartum depression is a disease and is not caused by your behavior. As noted organization that aims to inform parents on the subject, "a woman can not 'pull up' more than they could if he had the flu, diabetes or heart disease."
From the above it is clear that the period after giving birth can be wonderful for new mothers, but it can also be stressful. Understanding this can help give them the help they need.
postpartum depression should not be confused with post-traumatic stress, which affects some mothers after a difficult birth, even though both diseases may occur simultaneously.
Certain medicines may contaminate breast milk, so if you want to breastfeed, get advice from your physician the best treatment.

Tips to overcome postpartum depression

1. Talk to someone about how you feel, especially with other mothers.
2. Ask others to help look after the baby, do the chores and errands. Ask your husband to give a hand to prepare the porridge at night and take care.
3. Find the time to do something positive for yourself, even if only for 15 minutes a day. Try to read, take a walk, a relaxing bath.
4. Although on any given day you can make one, is a step in the right direction. There may be days when you can not do anything. Try not to get angry with yourself when it happens.
5. Often the isolation perpetuates the depression. Get dressed, leave the house for a while 'every day. The fresh air and a different view will do much good to both you and your child.
Adapted from: American Academy of Family Physicians, the Order American Institute of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and the entity is in charge of women's health.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Unpasteurized Orange Juice

How to cope with heart disease

hear often from relatives, friends and acquaintances who have had a heart attack. Only heart attacks in the United States are about 650,000 people a year, more than one person per minute. About 350,000 die before reaching hospital. But they are also affected the inhabitants of other countries. In Western countries, almost half of all men, and many women die of this single evil heart attack!
This is particularly frightening that many victims are young, around 30, 40 and 50 years. They often have essentially the heart healthy. Why die? What's wrong?

Cause of the problem
The cause of the problem is that the heart muscle does not receive a sufficient amount of blood. 'How is that possible?' ask. 'The heart is nestled in the blood? Do not cross it every day tons of blood? ' Yes
To understand the nature of the problem, we must know something about the functioning of the heart. Cable is a muscle with four chambers, the right atrium and right ventricle, left atrium and left ventricle. The oxygenated blood from the lungs flows into the left atrium and the right atrium fills blood load of carbon dioxide from the body. When the atria contract, blood is pushed through valves into the ventricles. Then place the main pumping action of the heart. The ventricles contract forcefully, simultaneously sending oxygenated blood to various parts of the body through the aorta and the oxygen-poor blood to the lungs through the pulmonary artery.
As blood passes through these cavities, the heart muscle itself does not make use of this vital fluid. You may make a comparison with a truck carrying diesel fuel. The truck is powered by diesel fuel delivery to customers. Rather, it is powered by the fuel is supplied to the stations service. This fuel is sent to the truck engine through the feed tube.
Similarly, it is the blood that passes through the cavities of the heart to nourish the heart. No, rather it is to feed it the blood that is pumped from the heart and that you will return by another route. The key to the problem of heart attacks is in these 'power lines' or paths followed by the blood to feed the heart.
From the heart blood is pumped into the main artery in the body, the aorta. However, almost immediately, much of this blood is sent to the two coronary arteries. In this way the oxygen and nutrients are transported chemicals in all parts this very important muscle in the body. So what happens if the coronary artery blood flow is obstructed?
obstruction of the coronary arteries

For example you can see what happens when you accumulate a lot of rust in a water pipe. When the water pumped through the tube, the flow is limited. What happens then if you need a large quantity of water in a short period of time? Under excessive stress, the pump will stop working and will break.
This gives you an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat happens in the heart of millions of people. The coronary arteries get narrower as a result of the accumulation of fatty deposits. This condition is called atherosclerosis. What happens then, when the heart needs more blood to deal with any sudden physical or emotional needs?
Even when a small part of the heart is temporarily bloodless, electrical phenomena may be disturbed in some way, upsetting the rhythm of the pulse. Then occurs what is called ventricular fibrillation, an unusual and serious complication in which the heart contracts in a haphazard and ineffective, and stop failing the driving force. It follows the death within minutes if not resume pumping properly.
Heart attacks are also often caused by a clot or thrombus in a coronary artery. Atherosclerosis does not cause a uniform narrowing of blood vessels. Rather, along the blood vessel deposits accumulate in parts, while the diameter of the rest of the vessel may be normal. Then a clot forms in a narrow vessel, blocking blood flow to part of the heart muscle. This blockage of a blood vessel in the heart is called coronary thrombosis or coronary occlusion. The result of the obstruction is called a myocardial infarction, a heart attack.
How can I tell if it is a heart attack?

In many cases it is difficult to recognize a heart attack. In fact, heart specialists estimate that perhaps 20 percent of initial attacks take place without the victim realizing it. This is because a blood vessel of the heart is closed gradually over a period of weeks or months, rather than all at once.
addition, symptoms may not be recognized as those of a heart attack. For example, can be mistaken for a strong indigestion. There may also be vomiting, along with fatigue and ashen appearance. Other clues may be sweating and shortness of breath. The most common symptom of heart attack, however, is a feeling of discomfort, pressure or fullness in the center Chest. Or you feel a strong pain in the chest, almost sure sign of a heart attack. Many
after a heart attack, live a long and full life, perhaps even without having been noticed of him. On the other hand, a light attack that damages the heart in any way may give rise to ventricular fibrillation, and the victim may lose consciousness and die within a few minutes. But you could save it, knowing what to do.

  1. To save heart attack victims
    Many whose heart had stopped for five minutes are now in good physical condition and able to do everything they did before the failure. A save was the prompt action of those who were in the vicinity. They knew what to do. And you? You could save a life?
    is not as difficult as you might think. In certain places open to the public courses are being taught in the very effective method of cardiopulmonary resuscitation can save lives. It consists of a combination of external cardiac massage and artificial respiration. If you have the opportunity, follow such a course. However, considering the instructions provided here, you may be able to save someone's life has been affected by heart attack, perhaps a loved one.
    If you see someone suffering from collapse, you have to take some preliminary steps before beginning the resuscitation cardiopulmonary bypass. But you must act quickly, because the unconscious person can live only four to six minutes without breathing.
    First see if you really fainted. It would be embarrassing groped to save someone's life that is only sleeping! So gently shake the shoulder of the person and ask, "How are you?" If you do not respond, check to see if it breathes, because it may be only a faint. Put your ear to his mouth, his face turned toward his chest. If you breathe, you should be able to feel the breath in your ear, and perhaps see the chest that moves.
    If there is no sign of breathing, it is important to open his airway. When someone loses consciousness in Sometimes the tongue slips down the throat, so this important opening through which air reaches the lungs is obstructed. Maybe all you need to wake up breathing is to free the airway, and this usually is not difficult.
    lay on his back unconscious person, one hand gently lift the neck. So head fall back, by lengthening the neck. Place your other hand on the forehead and push your head back until it goes away. You will be surprised by noting how far the head stretching his neck to the maximum. Without this, the chin is almost vertically upwards, and the top of the head will be supported for land. In this position the jaw and tongue are pulled forward and the opening of the throat is free.
    If after doing this quickly is not reactivated breathing, begin artificial respiration immediately. Using the hand that is resting on the forehead of the victim, close to the nose, while holding both the palm of the hand because the head remains tilted. Hold your other hand under the neck of the victim (or under the chin), pushing up. So open wide your mouth and place it directly on the victim's mouth, and make four quick breaths and complete in quick succession. You will see sollevarlesi the chest as the lungs expand.
    Subsequently, quickly check the pulse of the victim, to see if the heart beats. The best place to find the pulse is the carotid artery, the main artery of the neck. To find it, remove your hand from behind his neck and slide the index and middle fingers in the groove next to the larynx. If you do not feel the pulse, the heart has stopped and, in addition to ventilation, you must also provide for the artificial circulation if you want to save the victim.

  2. artificial circulation can be achieved with the a closed chest cardiac massage. It is a relatively simple method is to compress the chest. These compressions actually push the heart to pump blood. Many times the heart begins to beat in this way alone. But, of course, we must also continue to supply oxygen because the blood circulation is useless if it does not take oxygen from the lungs.
    Therefore, the rescuer should make the victim the vital function of breathing and simultaneously make his heart pump blood. Even if the heart begins to beat on its own, if you can cardiopulmonary resuscitation until the arrival of the ambulance, the victim may be saved. There have been cases in which breathing and blood circulation were artificially activated for hours before the body of the victim to start again to perform these functions.
    In addition to being ready to assist the victims of heart attacks, what else can we do? You can prevent, or at least slow down the accumulation of deposits in the arteries, the main cause of heart attacks?
    is recognized in general that cholesterol and fats (glycerides) in some way contribute to the formation of these deposits. It only makes sense to look after their diet and avoid putting on weight too, because if there is visible fat this probably means that the body accumulate fat in the arteries, restricting dangerously. It may also be advisable to limit or avoid consumption of foods fried in animal fat. At the same time you eat plenty of nutrients vegetables, fruits, melons and cereals.
    The current pace of life accelerated and stressful, it seems to be another factor that enhances the formation of fatty deposits in arteries. Given that those who relentlessly tries to do too much in too short a time is prone to heart attacks, you want to avoid this constant sense of urgency.
    Another important thing to counter the disastrous effects of the accumulation of fat in the arteries is to do enough exercise. In fact, Dr.. Wilhelm Raab, director of Cardiovascular Research at the University of Vermont, said: "Lack of exercise is the major cause of coronary heart disease" . Why?
    As we know, the heart is a muscle, and muscles weaken when they are not exercised enough. In fact, it affected the entire circulatory system. The arteries that carry blood to the muscles shrink and many small vessels even disappear. On the other hand, regular exercise does thicken the arteries, thus carrying more blood. Furthermore, in muscle tissue is more open blood vessels, opening up new ways of sending more oxygen, thereby reducing the possibility of a heart attack.
    Regular physical activity also strengthens the pumping action of the heart. Therefore it takes less beats to make the same amount of work. So a heart in good physical condition should attempt in the event of sudden need a heart that is not in shape. To protect your heart, make a habit of getting regular exercise. A doctor said: "walks briskly, from youth on, in and of themselves dramatically reduce disability and premature deaths from coronary heart disease."
    But not all heart disease is caused by an accumulation of fat that restricts the inside of the coronary arteries. The cause of some heart disease is the malfunctioning of the heart's electrical system. Heart block

    As already mentioned, the heart has a complicated system of special cells that initiate and conduct electrical impulses throughout the heart to do it beat rhythmically. Heart block occurs when there is something wrong with the transmission of these electrical impulses. The impulses are not transmitted properly, pumping action of the heart suffers.
    There are different degrees of heart block. A partial blockage can cause only a delay in the transmission of impulses, without causing any particular abnormality in the functioning of the heart. But it can be a serious disorder. The transmission of impulses from the atria to the ventricles can be completely blocked, so the heart chambers beat independently of each other. The result is a pulse ineffective that do not provide an adequate flow of blood. If heart block persists, and the flow of blood is too inadequate, it may die.
    Today, however, thousands of people who probably would have died years ago are still alive, and lead an almost normal life. This is due to the pacemaker, artificial cardiac pacing equipment. The first patients were entered into in 1960. They have been so successful that literally hundreds of thousands of people have this peace-maker in his own body. The following story about the enormous changes that a peace-maker has produced in a man's life will be both instructive encouraging.

  3. term "heart attack" means that part of tissue that has died for the blood flow ceased, "my" refers to muscle, and "infarction" to heart.

  4. How exactly should practice cardiopulmonary resuscitation? Order a brochure of the American Heart gives the following concise instructions:
    " Kneel beside the victim near his chest. Find the lowest part of the sternum.... Place the palm of a hand from 2.5 to 4 centimeters [that on] one bit. Put your other hand over that. Take care to keep your fingers loose from the chest wall. Perhaps there is more easily done if you interlace your fingers.
    "As you squeeze, the course weight of your shoulders directly above the sternum of the victim, keeping your arms straight. If the victim is an adult, compress the sternum by about 4 or 5 cm. Each compression should be immediately followed by a relaxation, of the same duration. A rhythmic oscillating movement helps ensure the appropriate duration of the release cycle. Remember not to take your hands off the sternum of the victim when you leave your chest return to its normal position between the other compression.
    "If you are the only rescuer, you need to ensure that both the respiration to cardiac massage. The correct ratio is 15 compressions every two quick breaths. You have to compress the chest at a rate of 80 times per minute if you work alone since you have to interrupt you to practice these inflations.
    "If you can avail yourself of the aid of another rescuer, put one on each side of the victim. One will take care of breathing, un'insufflazione every five chest compressions. The other, compressing the chest, and carry 60 compressions per minute" .

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Men's See True Shorts

The trump card to win the battle against the pounds too

The Food Guide Pyramid in the Mediterranean diet
The Mediterranean food pyramid has been proposed by nutritionists Americans as an example of proper diet, has been placed at the base regular physical activity, as important as a balanced diet to ensure the achievement and maintenance of ideal weight, and indications concern the consumption daily, weekly or monthly food.
This pyramid is not really representative of the Mediterranean habits, such as vegetables are recommended daily and dried fruit, but has the advantage of associating physical activity as a key element in maintaining health. In addition, this pyramid puts a strong emphasis on animal fats, severely limiting their consumption and favoring the consumption of vegetable fats (olive oil, nuts) sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins.

Weight Loss: A Battle lost?
Winning this fight is not as easy as they think the skinny!
is a war being fought on many fronts. Fasting in a hurry to lose unwanted pounds. The liquid diet they dissolve quickly. Some of them take off running. Walkers if they take away more slowly. Who calculates the calories you check carefully what they eat. Some resort to more drastic measures. Jaws were locked to those who could not resist in front of the food. Were carried out surgery to bypass certain sections of the digestive tract, sewing stomachs and pull out pieces of fat from fat deposits. With all these possibilities, the victory must be imminent. But not so
fast! The fat cells back defeats for the office. The pounds lost are shot, and often a few more. The tide of battle turns and the temporary successes were followed by disappointing failures. The fight drags on, discouragement arises and who had put on a diet, tired, ready to surrender. It should not. The road is long and bumpy, but the victory awaits the brave who persevere. Prepare yourself mentally to do and remember: the harder you struggle, the sweeter the victory. When engaged your battle against fat, you also need to arm yourselves with courage to retain the respect of yourself and a little 'self-respect. You may have to bear the insults and comments offensive in a society obsessed with thinness.
You must resist the landlord that thwarted urge you to eat what you should not. You have to survive the cruel prejudices of people who will be silenced by greed. The first you would fail with their care, and the latter, you prematurely judge based on outward appearances.
You have to ignore the simplistic statements of the uninformed: "If you do not eat too much, it would weigh too much!" They think it's a simple thing, but it is rather complicated. It is true that if you consume more calories than you burn, not fat. In many cases, however, not all calories are in the body burned. For various reasons many of them are stored in fat cells as fat. So those who are overweight are sometimes having to fight alone, except for supportive friends who are aware of the difficulties against which they fight. It can be truly enormous difficulties.
Before we go into examining the complexities of the fight we must answer this question: Do you need to lose weight? In some countries, thinness has become a fixation. Some slim to the point of being malnourished, or even arrive at the extremes of anorexia nervosa or bulimia. Instead of judging only based on weight, some scientists believe it is better to be guided by the percentage of body fat. For them, being overweight can be defined obesity as 20 to 25 percent of body weight is fat in men, and when, from 25 to 30 percent of body weight is fat in women.
Certainly the specific weights given in tables based on height and weight are not sufficient by themselves. A researcher says: "What the tables do not tell you, though, is that two people of equal weight and size may differ considerably in terms of obesity and general physical condition. Equal volume of lean tissue and muscle weighs more than fat, so weight alone is not a good criterion for determining the degree of health or fitness. " Safer driving - but still imperfect - are the tables based on age, sex and body type, and identifying various weights approximate acceptable, such as those on page 7.
Many assume that the fat cells (adipocytes these) things are very lazy, which are spread throughout the body and simply take up space, too much space! The fatty tissue (known as adipose tissue) is more than just a deposit of triglycerides (fats). About 95 percent of adipose tissue and fat down, but the remaining 5 percent is divided into structural material, blood and blood vessels, and living cells active in the metabolism of the body. These cells can be very greedy clinging to the nutrients in the blood circulating in capillaries scattered in adipose tissue and converted into fat. Certain hormones promote the synthesis of fat or its distribution in the form of fatty acids in the blood to meet the energy needs of the organism. To the despair of some, the fat cells instead of being lazy do the extraordinary!
was once thought that once that settled in the body, not the fat cells increase in number, but only in size. Subsequent research has shown that this is not the case. A scientific journal says: "The increased storage capacity of adipose tissue is obtained by first increasing the content of adipocytes of the fat deposits, triglycerides, and then, when all the existing fat cells are completely full, with the formation of new fat cells. " Adipocytes, when nearly empty, are very small, but as their fat increases, their diameter can increase tenfold, which means an increase in volume by a factor of about one thousand.
In the body there are certain fat deposits where fat tends to accumulate. In men, one of these deposits is at the waist. In women, the hips and thighs. Even if you lose weight, these points are the last to dwindle. Some researchers have found that fat cells have receptors on the surface of small molecules called alpha and beta. Alpha receptors stimulate the accumulation of fat, beta receptors promote the dissolution of fat. Those that stimulate the accumulation of fat are present mainly on the fat cells of the hips and thighs in women and men in the abdomen. One woman lost 15 percent body fat, but almost nothing on the hips and thighs. A man plummeted to his weight, but the belly was.
Lose weight by calculating the calories is not as easy as many think. Calories are not all equal. Take 100 calories in carbohydrates and store 77 in the form of body fat: 23 are burned for the digestion of carbohydrates. But 100 calories you take in a bit of butter and 97 of them will be stored the form of fat: they are consumed only three for the digestion. The reason: the dietary fat is chemically similar to the already fat, so it is accumulated as such much more easily. The calculation of calories is only one aspect of the matter. The source of those calories is important. At the same calorie, fatty foods make you fat and more carbohydrates are less nutritious. In one study, men with a supercharged high-carbohydrate regime adding 13 pounds in seven months, but men with a supercharged high-fat regime adding 13 pounds in three months.
diets lose pounds make cash more quickly, which often causes complications. In the 70 were encouraged liquid protein diets and by the end of 1977 were about 60 deaths attributed to them. It was believed that the immediate cause of many of these deaths had been the ventricular arrhythmia, that is rapid and irregular beating of the heart ventricles. The current liquid diets have been improved with the addition of not only protein but also of carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals. Nevertheless, these diets with very low energy intake that produce rapid weight loss, they still have certain disadvantages.
The drastic reduction of calories in the diets that make weight loss fast slows down the metabolism: the decline begins within 24 hours, and within two weeks your metabolism may slow down and 20 per cent. A doctor questioned about the low calorie liquid diet made this comment: "With so few calories your metabolism will slow down dramatically, and you will find to be irritable and tired. In addition, up to 70% of pounds lost in the long term affect muscle mass, not fat. " Those who follow a weight loss diet want to lose fat, not muscle. Muscle tissue is what burns more calories in the body. If you lose, you slow down your metabolic rate: the amount of energy it takes the body during normal functions, like respiration and cell repair. This requires approximately 60-75 percent of the energy consumed by the body.
This slowing of metabolism is often the reason that after several weeks of strict diet do not lose more weight. A woman, who by the age of 16 years had kept his weight under control by diet, with the birth of their first child increased by 11 pounds but lost them in a hurry, then with the birth of their second child increased by 22 pounds and not could lose them. He said: "At one point I was admitted to a clinic where they put me at 500 calories a day. I lost four pounds the first month, second month and no one within two months despite the fact that I followed carefully the program. When the amount of calories I could take was increased to 800 per day, I increased regularly a pound a week until I had regained 5 pounds I had lost so much work. What a disappointment! "
addition to a slower metabolism, the lipoprotein lipase, an enzyme that regulates the storage of fat, after a crash diet can become more active in accumulating fat. For both these reasons, when they begin to eat normally incorporate some of the pounds lost. In fact, most regain the lost pounds: 95 percent in the case of very obese and 66 percent in general. The pound recovered, however, are mostly fat, not muscle, which means reduced metabolism resulting in increased accumulation of fat. One researcher noted that
those who had lost weight in diets were recovered earlier and receiving more difficult to lose it again in subsequent diets. "It is possible that after repeated dieting is more difficult to lose weight?" He wondered. Experiments on rats were made obese. During the first diet, it took 21 days to lose excess weight and stopped the diet, 45 days to repurchase. In a second diet it took 46 days to lose and only 14 days to take it back: twice as long to lose and only one third to take it back!
the same thing happens to people? In the case of 111 patients who followed a low calorie diet, they lost an average of 1.4 pounds a week, but the second time that followed the same diet only lost 1 pound a week. Control tests carried out on two other groups confirmed these findings.
Many experts say that obesity is a disease, a genetic trait that is inherited, and that the body has a "set point", a kind of center of weight regulation, which may put the subject to be fat. But not all scientists agree with the theories on obesity. A publication (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences) says that overweight itself, whatever the cause, could result in changes in body chemistry: "The state of obesity, once instituted, can be stabilized by changes secondary metabolites generated by obesity itself. "
The publication just cited also challenges the theory of the "set point", providing "little evidence in support of either hypothesis." Among the causes of overweight are cited a gland disorders, particularly thyroid, which plays an important role in regulating metabolism. But some argue that its failure could be caused by excessive eating. Dr. Riggle of Texas says about it: "The thyroid gland regulates metabolism, as well as the pituitary gland. But we must remember that people who take bad eating habits to prevent these glands to receive the nutrients they need to manufacture their products. So the problems of a gland can be caused by a careless diet. "
The excess in eating is the reason pure and simple obesity, as many think, including some experts in the field: "For the majority of obese people, however, the accumulation of excess weight and adipose tissue is most likely index a long process and often insidious: excessive intake of calories, for a sufficient number of days, to an extent far greater than the number of those burnt for the job or muscle metabolism. (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1987, page 343) In so doing expose their health a very serious risk:
"Obesity may threaten health in various ways. May impair cardiac function which is the lung, change endocrine function and cause emotional problems. Hypertension, reduced ability to metabolize glucose, and hypercholesterolemia are more common among overweight people and between those of normal weight. Therefore not surprising that obesity may contribute to morbidity [disease state] and mortality in people with hypertension, stroke, diabetes mellitus or insulin-independent type II, some cancers and gallbladder disease. In the longer term, obesity is also considered a risk factor independent with regard to the nature of atherosclerotic heart disease. " - Journal of the American Medical Association, November 4, 1988, page 2547.
worry, right? And not just for big words. It is obvious that to lose weight you have to do battle, but we must win it. There are ways to achieve victory? HEIGHT-WEIGHT TABLES

Height Weight (kg) Men
H thin solid media

157 58-60 59-63 62-67 58-61 60-64 63-69 160

163 59-62 61-65 64-70 60-63 62-67 65-72

165 168 61-64 63-68 66-74 62-65 64-69 67-76

170 173 63-67 65 - 71 68-77 64-68 175
67-72 70-79 65-69 68-73 71-81

178 180 66-71 69-75 72-83 67-72 71-76 74-85

183 185 68-74 72-78 76-86
188 70-76 74-80 77-89 71-77 75-82 79-91

190 193 73-79 77-84 81-93

WOMEN 46-50 49-54 53-59 147 150
46-51 50-55 54-60 47-52 51-57 55-62

152 155 48-53 52-58 56-63 49-54 53-59 58-64

157 160 50-56 54-61
51-57 56-62 59-66 163 60-68 53-58 57-63 62-70

165 168 54-60 58-65 63-72 55-61 60-66 64-73

170 173 57 -63 61-67 66-75 58-64 63-69 67-76

175 178 59-65 64-70 68-78 61-67 65-72 70-79

180 183 62-68 67-73 71 -81

If I lost weight, anyone can lose weight!
hate your scale? I hated her. I remember that last year I watched with disgust the needle to indicate weight yet another record: almost 110 pounds. I said, 'most of the weight of the world heavyweight champion and more than many professional football players. The situation is not only ridiculous. It is becoming dangerous! '
Maybe you know someone who looks like me: an employee in his forties, a young man who did exercise occasionally, and now he starts to exercise, when it is not absorbed from reading the newspaper. Have high blood pressure, just below the limit of hypertension, cholesterol 'a bit "high, 20 pounds, and is still convinced that basically the situation is not so bad.
But the situation is serious. People like me are dying every day died of heart attacks, and many people have heart attacks. I could cite statistics on the risks per kilo more, but the problem is not statistics. The problem, let's face it, are the widows and orphans. They are the children, as my two children who grow up without his dad.
Think about it, you dad.
After deciding to lose weight, I recalled in particular the "four ways to win" the battle against fat. I had suggested four ways: (1) the right foods, (2) at the right time, (3) in the amount right, (4) with the right exercise.
These tips work! Following them are thinner than 30 pounds, and you can lose weight too. In doing so I learned some things that maybe will be useful.
Learn how to lose weight from head
Almost all of us who are overweight are fattened slowly, a few pounds a year, and probably we began to put on the stomach when we were in their thirties. From time to time we went on a diet and lost a few pounds, but then we recovered with interest. When this happened to me, I felt a sense of quiet resignation, as if to say 'I can not do anything, so why groped?'
To break this vicious circle of quiet resignation should begin to lose weight but not from the belly from the head, changing his way of thinking in relation to food. It may take a bit 'of raw realism, but without this diet is likely to fail from the start.
In my case, for one week write down everything I ate and drank was a revelatory experience. It was true that eating light meals at mealtimes, but the interminable evening snacks scupper all that I had won mastered during the day. When I count the calories of cheese, nuts, peanut butter and biscuits, which devoured after dinner, I was stunned. Worse yet, those meals were high in fat and sugar. In my case, no diet would work if I had not removed the evening snacks. This tells you something? The subsequent discovery
painful was that I would never have lost weight permanently unless I removed all alcohol from my diet. Not only is alcohol high in calories and is easily converted into fat, but a glass of wine in the evening is enough to take my strength of will I need to resist the temptation to snack. A glass of wine is not just a glass of wine. For me it also means six biscuits and a handful of nuts! I have found that herbal teas may be some good alternatives. Now, even after having reached the weight I set for myself, I drink less alcohol than before. These honest
considerations have convinced me of the goodness of two strict rules to follow during the weight-loss diet:
1. Avoid all snacks in the evening.
2. Avoid all alcohol.
Discover your anti-diet foods!
It is said that appetite comes with eating. For many of us it really is. Maybe when we sit at the table in front of our favorite dish we have not hungry, but as soon as we begin to eat into us taking some mechanism, and suddenly there is a hungry wolf. So there we stuff until we have killed off all or until after the fourth portion, our aching stomach begs for mercy. What happened?
In my case the problem was the bread, especially that done at home. My patient wife, who makes a delicious bread for a certain period of time had to stop doing that. Can you resist the temptation only to a certain point! Maybe your Achilles heel is the chocolate, or something else. The important thing is to identify the enemy. Make a list of foods that will whet your appetite and avoid them. The alternatives are not lacking. I have found that salads and steamed vegetables I like and I satiate without triggering in me the irresistible desire to continue eating.
past the critical point
yo-yo diets where you lose the pounds only to recover soon, are a trap for fools and only serve to enrich the diets of drug dealers, who in most developed Western countries are very numerous. Having already done my share of yo-yo dieting, I was determined not to fall into the same error. But how?
not be ashamed to ask for help. Talk to your doctor. Find someone who will praise you and gratify week after week as you lose your excess weight. This can be a friend who is also on a diet, a family member or staff of a clinic where you make decent slimming treatments. The cooperation and support you receive will help to overcome the critical point, the point where in the past your efforts to lose weight you are stuck. At this point you will feel better, and the others will start to compliment you on your appearance. From this moment on the psychological factors play in your favor instead of against you.
Another key element to overcome the critical point is to have a diet that is reasonable and that you may not feel hungry or killed. I found that the best dietary advice I received did not repeat that, with few changes, what he said that issue of Awake! 22 May 1989 in respect of the right foods. My weight loss diet consists of oatmeal or other cereal with low-fat diet or a muffin with half a grapefruit for breakfast, a hearty salad with a dressing low-fat lunch and steamed vegetables for dinner with lean meat, without bread or dessert. With its 1200-1500 calories a day, is a strict diet but nothing draconian. An apple is a convenient snack at mid-day, and on the rare occasions when I can not ignore the hunger pangs should always turn to one of my secret weapons, a great saving secret diet that is well know too.
Secret Weapons
What is this secret? It is a substance that is beneficial to health, satisfied almost instantly, contains no calories and costs very little: water! It's amazing what they can do six eight glasses of water a day to help you succeed in your diet. Once the body learns that you are determined to satisfy the hunger pangs with a glass of water, these bites are starting to fade. It was mainly the water to allow me to overcome my ingrained habit of evening snack.
Another secret weapon to control your weight over time is the exercise done on a regular basis. Of course, we all heard that exercise helps to lose weight, so what's the secret? In this case, is the enormous psychological stimulus that comes from feeling better and by having a better appearance. This pays plenty of waiver of any foods. It helps you to move forward, without feeling jealous when everyone else eat the chocolate mousse and you eat grapes.
Diet and exercise complement each other perfectly. Losing weight does not necessarily mean look sickly. Doing exercises on a regular basis you'll have a beautiful complexion and tone up your muscles. Indeed, in my case the more compact of the muscle has given others the impression that he was losing weight faster than it really was happening! I found that I needed both sports to practice in the company of someone else, such as tennis, which exercises I could do alone at any time, such as those with weights. Just as exercise body made it look better diet, diet made it seem more effective exercise by making short muscles that had remained hidden under ten years of wilting. When I came down from 110 pounds to 80, sometimes it happened that I could not wait to workout along with some healthy adolescents in the area to see if they could keep my pace! If you are overweight
long as it was not me, maybe you're used to feel overwhelmed and tired when you get up in the morning, dragging slowly during the day and doze off in the armchair in the evening. Wore 20 or 30 pounds heavier as you go around with a ball and chain! Did not remember how it feels to jump out bed in the morning eager to get up, ready to face the day full of energy. Now I know.
A war that never ends
reach the weight that you had set ourselves is like winning a long battle. But even if that first battle is over, the real war has just begun. The middle-aged people like me who have a sedentary job should always be careful about what they eat if they want to regain those extra pounds that have lost so much work. The secret is to consider the diet as a company that lasts a lifetime. Maybe a weight loss program will go to a maintenance, but you never cease to be on a diet. Return to previous eating habits also means going to be overweight.
Once you reach the desired weight, why not award includes some new clothes? So you think the opportunity to get rid of old clothes. Keep those old clothes and sagging 'because you never know' is as doomed to failure. Wear clothes that are not too large, and they will advise you immediately if the cm side will begin to return. Although the maintenance diet is more varied than weight loss, from now on always choose foods low in fat and sugar. And do not cease to do physical exercise is key to feeling good.

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Diabetes, know better than to fight it

Diabetes: The problem regardless of
"There is a case of diabetes that is not critical. It is always serious. " - Anne Daly, American Diabetes Association.
"ITS blood tests reveal significant abnormalities. Must take care immediately. " The doctor's words hit like a blow Deborah. "That night I kept thinking that it must have been a laboratory error. I told myself that it was not possible that I was sick. " How many
, Deborah thought to be quite healthy, so it gave weight to the troublesome symptoms. He thought that the persistent thirst was due to taking antihistamines. He attributed the frequent urination to the fact that drinking too much water. And fatigue: Well, as parent that work does not feel exhausted?
But then a blood test confirmed that the cause of his problems was diabetes. Deborah was difficult to accept the diagnosis. "I did not talk to anyone about my illness," he says. "At night, when everyone was asleep, I was in the dark with his eyes fixed on deaf ears and crying." Learning that they have diabetes some, like Deborah, feel mixed emotions, including despair and even anger. "I went through a painful period during which refused to accept the reality," says Karen.
These are natural reactions to what seems like a practical joke. But with a little 'encouragement of diabetics are able to adapt. "The nurse helped me to accept my illness, "says Karen. "I calmed down, saying that it was normal to cry. That outburst helped me to resign. "
Why is serious
A reason diabetes has been called "a disturbance of the engine of life." When the body can not metabolize glucose, a number of vital mechanisms may stop working, sometimes with potentially lethal consequences. "You do not die directly from diabetes," says Dr. Harvey Katzeff, "people die from complications. We manage well enough to prevent complications, but not to treat them once they occur. "
There is hope for those suffering diabetes? Yes, if they understand the severity of the disease and are undergoing a treatment program. Diet and exercise

Type I diabetes is preventable, but scientists are studying the genetic risk factors to try to find a way to prevent an immune reaction. (See the sidebar "The Role of Glucose", page 8). "With the type II diabetes the situation is much better," says the book. "Many of those who might be genetically at risk, avoid manifest symptoms of the disease simply by following a balanced diet and regular exercise to stay fit and maintain their weight within normal limits. " - Diabetes-Caring for Your Emotions as Well as Your Health.
The medical journal JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) reported extensive research on women who emphasized the importance of physical exercise. The research found that "a short period of physical activity increases for more than 24 hours [cells], the absorption of glucose mediated by insulin. So the report concluded that "both the walking and vigorous physical activity are associated with substantial reductions in the risk of type II diabetes in women." The researchers recommend at least half an hour of moderate physical activity every day of the week or so. It can be something as simple as a walk, which, according to a handbook for people with diabetes is likely to exercise better, safer and less expensive. " - American Diabetes Association Complete Guide to Diabetes.
However, diabetics should exercise under the supervision of qualified personnel. One reason is that diabetes can damage the nervous and vascular system, compromising the blood circulation and the sense of touch. So a simple scratch to a foot could be neglected, become infected and turn into an ulcer: a serious injury if not treated immediately could lead to amputation.
However, a program of exercise can help control diabetes. "The more researchers study the benefits of regular exercise," says the manual mentioned above, "the more you experience the benefits."

Many diabetics taking insulin should supplement the diet and exercise with daily blood glucose testing and multiple injections of insulin. Because their health has improved thanks to a good diet and exercise program, some patients with type II diabetes were able, at least temporarily, to stop taking insulin. Karen, who has Type I diabetes, found that exercise increases the effectiveness of insulin that is injected. Therefore it has been reduced by 20 per cent of the daily insulin requirement.
If insulin is needed, however, there is no reason that the diabetic be discouraged. "The need to take insulin is not a failure by the patient," says Mary Ann, a registered nurse who looks after other people with diabetes. "Whatever form they suffer from diabetes, close monitoring of blood glucose minimize other health problems later." In fact, a recent study found that patients with type I diabetes who kept tight control of blood glucose has many fewer cases of retinopathy, kidney disease and diabetic neuropathy of origin. " The risk of retinopathy, for example, was reduced by 76 percent. Those with type II diabetes by controlling blood sugar have similar benefits.
To make insulin therapy easier and less traumatic, syringes and insulin pens (the unit most commonly used) are extremely thin needles that give very little discomfort. "Usually the first injection is the worst," says Mary Ann. "Then he says that most patients do not feel almost anything." Other injection methods include automatic injectors that fit into a needle into the skin painlessly, jet injectors, which literally shoot insulin through the skin using a fine spray and diatomaceous using a catheter that remains fixed for two or three days. In recent years it became increasingly using the insulin pump, more or less the size of a small phone. This programmable instrument provides a continuous infusion of insulin as needed daily, making it more convenient and accurate dosing.
We continue to learn
All in all, there is no generalized treatment for diabetes. When choosing where to undergo treatment, each individual must take several factors into account to make a decision. "Even if you are followed by a medical team," says Mary Ann, "It's up to you to decide the way forward." In fact, a trade magazine said: "Treating diabetes without systematically teach the patient self-management approach can be considered a poor and unethical." - Diabetes Care.
Most diabetics know their disease, most will be able to manage their own health and have the prospect of living longer and have healthier lives. Effective education, however, requires patience. A book says: "If you want to learn everything at once, you're probably confused and do not use the information effectively. In addition, many of the most useful information you'll need are not found in books and pamphlets. They have to do. . . with changes in blood glucose due to changes in activity. This can only be learned with time and trial. " - Diabetes-Caring for Your Emotions as Well as Your Health.
For example, with careful monitoring learn how your body reacts to stress, which can suddenly raise your blood sugar. "For 50 years, living with diabetes," says Ken, "and I learned to know the symptoms!" It's worth it "listen" to your body, because Ken is still able to play a full-time job, even if has more than 70 years.
The importance of family support
In the treatment of diabetes should not be underestimated family support. In fact, a publication notes that "the quality of family life is perhaps the most effective single factor" that helps to control diabetes in children and young adults.
is helpful for family members to learn about diabetes, perhaps taking turns in accompanying the patient to the doctor. The knowledge will help them to be helpful, important to recognize symptoms and know what to do. Ted, whose wife has type I diabetes since he was four years, said: "I can understand when your blood sugar drops too Barbara. It mutes in the middle of the conversation. Sweating profusely and gets angry for no reason. And his reactions slow down. "
Similarly, when Catherine, the wife of Ken, notes that he becomes pale and clammy and see that it behaves in a strange way, presents him with a simple mathematical problem. If he responds in a confused way, Catherine knows she has to immediately intervene to put a remedy to the situation. Both Ken and Barbara are very grateful to have a spouse who is well informed that they love and trust.
loving family members should strive to be encouraging, kind and patient, qualities that help the patient deal with the problems of life and also have a positive effect on the disease. Karen's husband assured her that he loved her, which meant a lot to her. Karen says: "Nigel told me, 'People need food and water to live, just as you need food and water, and a small dose of insulin '. Those kind words but practices were just what I needed. "
Family and friends should understand that the fluctuations in blood sugar can affect the mood of the diabetic. "When I have blood sugar issues," said a woman, I become silent, sad, upset and frustrated. So I am ashamed to act so childish. It helps me to know that others understand the reason for this attitude, which seeks to control. "
Diabetes can be managed, especially if the sufferer has cooperation from friends and family. Even Bible principles can help. In what way?

The excessive fat around the waist appears to be a greater risk of fat on her hips.
smokers are at even greater risk because the smoke is harmful to the heart and the circulatory system, and constricts blood vessels. A publication says that 95 percent of amputations due to diabetes affect smokers.
Some were helped by an oral treatment. This consists of taking drugs that stimulate the pancreas to produce more insulin, others that slow down the increase of glucose in the blood, and still others that reduce insulin resistance. (The oral treatment is not usually prescribed for diabetes type I). Currently you can not take insulin orally, because digestion breaks down the protein before it reaches the bloodstream. Neither insulin nor oral medication eliminates the need of exercise and good nutrition.
authorities on health recommended that diabetics always bring with it an identification card or a bracelet or a chain with an inscription indicating that this disease can save critical moments in their lives. A hypo, for example, can be mistaken for another disorder or even drunk.
The Role of Glucose Glucose is
the energy source of the trillions of cells in the body. To enter the cells, however, needs a "key": insulin, a hormone secreted by the pancreas. With type I diabetes the pancreas produces no insulin. With type II diabetes produces, but usually not enough. In addition, the cells are reluctant to accept the insulin that occurs a insulin resistance. In both forms of diabetes, the result is the same: cells that do not receive the necessary and dangerous levels of glucose in blood sugar.
In type I diabetes the immune system attacks the β cells of the pancreas that produce insulin. Therefore, the type I diabetes is an autoimmune disease. Among the factors that can trigger an immune response include viruses, toxic chemicals and certain drugs. Although genetic predisposition may play their part, since the type I diabetes is often found in certain families and is more common among Caucasians.
In diabetes type II, the genetic factor is even stronger, but is found primarily among non-Caucasians. Among the most affected are the Australian Aborigines and Native Americans, and they have the highest percentage in the world of type II diabetes. Researchers are studying the relationship between genetics and obesity, as well as the way excess fat seems to increase insulin resistance in individuals genetically at risk. Unlike type I, type II diabetes occurs mainly in ultraquarantenni.

The role of the pancreas The pancreas, which is about the size of a banana, is located behind the stomach. According to a book, "The healthy pancreas performs a continuous balancing action and succeeded in stabilizing the level of glucose in the blood as it secretes the proper amount of insulin gradually during the day the glucose level rises and falls." (The Unofficial Guide to Living With Diabetes) in pancreatic β cells are the source of the hormone insulin.
When β cells do not produce enough insulin, glucose accumulates in the blood, causing hyperglycemia. On the contrary, the low concentration of glucose in the blood is called hypoglycemia. Together with the pancreas, the liver helps maintain normal blood glucose level by accumulating the excess glucose as glycogen. When required by the pancreas, the liver converts glycogen back into glucose which is used by the body. The role of sugars

the belief that eating a lot of sugar causes diabetes is wrong. Medicine shows that fat, with or without sugar, increases the probability among individuals genetically at risk. However, eating too many sweets is not healthy because they contain very few nutrients and promote obesity.
Another misconception is that diabetics have a craving for sweets, while actually feel the same desire of people in general. When it is unchecked, diabetes can cause hunger, but not necessarily sweet things. People with diabetes can eat sweets, but they must take account of taking sugar in their diet plan.
Recent studies have shown that a diet rich in fructose (sugar derived from fruits and vegetables) may contribute to insulin resistance and even diabetes in animals, regardless of their weight.

Diabetes in a few words
↓ ↓ ↓
healthy person with Type I Diabetes Type II diabetes
After a meal the β cells of the pancreas
In most cases, the pancreas responds
pancreas to produce insulin produces a greater quantity
content of insulin are attacked Limited
blood glucose by secreting the proper immune system
insulin then not produce insulin

↓ ↓ ↓
molecules Without insulin
If insulin receptors are less sensitive
molecules attach to glucose no insulin, the receptors can penetrate
muscle cells glucose into the cells "does not
and other cells. steps to
This in turn absorb
giving rise to a blood glucose

process that allows the glucose

penetrate cells

↓ ↓ ↓
Glucose and glucose builds up
absorbed into the blood stream,
burned by preventing vital processes
muscle cells. and damaging the walls
So the blood vessels

of glucose in the blood returns to normal

KATHY Living with Diabetes is a young girl. Mind the diet and weight, makes a lot of practice and follow your doctor's instructions. He also injections insulin every day. Kathy is one of the many millions of people who have diabetes. Despite all his precautions
Kathy admits: "I never know what is the level of glucose in the blood. An afternoon can be 300. The next day, with the same program, can be 50 and I suffer from insulin shock. " Not long ago took an infection that did not heal and spent weeks in hospital.
Mae is an elderly woman. Pays no attention to diet and, as a result, weighs 23 pounds more than normal. He admits to not follow closely the requirements of your doctor. Do not you worry that your blood glucose goes over 300 and often refuses to take insulin. Although in reality take a pill for diabetes every day, it seems surprisingly unconcerned about his illness. As
seem different, both of these women have the same disease. It is called diabetes mellitus. Why is there this difference between them? More importantly, what can they do to live with their diabetes?
What is diabetes?
First of all, we need to understand what diabetes. A key factor of the disease has to do with the body's ability to produce insulin, a hormone secreted by the pancreas. Insulin allows the body to take sugar from the blood stream and bring it into the cells where it is used for energy or is stored.
However, if the body does not produce enough insulin, a little sugar will be routed to cells for energy or stored there. Instead, the sugar reaches high levels in the blood and begins to cause problems. Simply put, this is diabetes. And there are two main types, as illustrated by the case of Kathy and Mae.
In the case of Kathy, the disease is called insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, or type I diabetes. The problem here is the inability of the pancreas to produce insulin. Recent evidence indicates that this type of diabetes can be caused, at least sometimes, by viral infections. The person who has this type of diabetes usually contracted at a young age (under 30) is usually lean to live and needs insulin injections.
In the case of Mae, the disease is called insulin-independent diabetes mellitus, or type II diabetes. It is often referred to as adult diabetes and is different from the type. The problem here is that the pancreas does not produce insulin, but that does not produce enough. Much insulin it produces is absorbed by fat cells. The pancreas can not produce enough to cope, and glucose in the blood increases. People who have this type of diabetes usually have over 30 years, are fat and can sometimes do without insulin injections. In addition it seems that their diabetes is hereditary.
Diabetes Treatment type I diabetes
Kathy, type I, is much more serious, though less common. It would appear that the solution for the type is simple, just to administer insulin. However, although insulin injections to maintain life in the diabetic can not take account of changes in insulin levels in the body needs minute by minute.
To minimize the complications of diabetes such as blindness and kidney disease, it is important to reduce the amount of glucose in the blood and urine. We must imitate the normal and frequent changes of insulin in the body. But the question is exactly how to do this. The therapy is twofold: (1) preventive care and (2) insulin.
With preventive care, we must take steps to minimize the daily variations of insulin the body needs. A vital factor is the power of the person, because that is what the digestive system into glucose in the blood. The prudent person suffering from diabetes type I soon learned that a diet should be well regulated. This includes both complex carbohydrates fats and proteins. This diet avoids sugar, honey, candy, soft drinks containing sugar and the like. These carbohydrates enter the bloodstream quickly.
This diet must be submitted to the body at regular intervals. If diabetes becomes careless, eating whatever they like at any time, has a rapid imbalance in the levels of insulin and glucose in the blood. This leaves him exposed to rapid and severe disability or long-term complications of the disease.
Exercise lowers blood sugar. So the conscientious type I diabetes in the program includes daily exercise, taking care to have a quick source of sugar (like candy) in case the exercise, who will lower your blood sugar too. This can lead to a diabetic shock. Even emotions can affect blood sugar and can cause low self-control with regard to diet. Infections and illnesses must be treated quickly, since can significantly affect the level of glucose in the blood.
However, although the patient with diabetes type I, like Kathy, take into account all these factors, it can still find it difficult to stabilize your blood sugar. So what to do?
The second main aspect of treatment is the use of insulin injections. When insulin was made available more than 60 years ago, it served to save the lives of many diabetics. And the subsequent development of an injection in the early days was considered as a great advantage.
Although daily injections are cheaper, there is some concern about the potential long-term complications such as hardening arteries. Therefore, some recommend more frequent short-acting insulin injections to keep more closely monitor the blood glucose during the course of the day. Several recent developments have made it not only possible but also practical. The control
home blood glucose has been called "the first truly significant therapeutic advance since the discovery of insulin." Using a simple portable machine, the diabetic can control his blood glucose levels several times a day. So it can adjust the dosage by themselves and you can get closer to the constant normal blood sugar levels. One
disadvantage of home monitoring is that the diabetic has to prick his finger for a blood test. But there are special tools for this, and experts say that this really is not bad. Another disadvantage is the cost of the machine. However, the expenditure should decrease with improved technology.
Other advantages include the manufacture of needles to inject insulin is not expensive to throw away after use, very sharp. They have made their insulin injections less painful. Moreover, insulin is not available now must be more chilled, so you avoid a serious inconvenience when traveling.
has now been marketed insulin which is equivalent human insulin and is often recommended to those who have been newly diagnosed type I diabetes. There are also new pressurized injection of insulin, without needle, infusion pumps and insulin. The injector pump is a portable insulin that the patient wears on his belt. It injects insulin continuously through a needle into the abdominal cavity. The infusion pumps, although in use today, is considered by many doctors quite dangerous and should be used only under the directive of a specialist.
regard to children who have type I diabetes, a recent trend has been less concerned about the diet. Some think they can relatively normal diet and then supplement that diet with any amount of insulin needed. Of course, these children should not eat many sweets, however. The real basic thing that they may live a relatively normal life seems to do a careful monitoring of blood glucose and frequent administration of insulin.
In type II diabetes by the most common type II diabetes, the progress has not been just as numerous. As already noted, this is not the absolute inability of the pancreas to produce insulin. It is the inability of the pancreas to be up to the growing need of insulin by the body, usually worsened by excess weight. Although
are widely used pills, they all serve to push the pancreas to produce more insulin. But there is a limit to the 'flogging a tired horse can bear', in this case, a sick pancreas. A good diet that reduces the weight and restricts simple sugars, accompanied dall'assennato exercise, may be more useful.
If diet, exercise, abstaining from sweets not enough lower level of glucose in the blood, then they can prescribe pills. Here opinions vary. Some doctors prefer to use pills instead of insulin injections, even in type II diabetics. The pills can have side effects, and there is some doubt as to whether actually help prevent long-term complications.
In each case, all factors must be weighed by competent doctors before recommending treatment. And the diabetic must weigh the recommendations and make the final decision about what it will do.
How to live with your diabetes
Therefore, treating diabetes is to make several steps, according to the type from which you are suffering. For type II diabetes, the solution may be diet and weight loss. But one doctor said: "Realistically, my experience has shown that there is little chance that this happens. In most cases they are prepared to give my patients pills or insulin from the beginning. "
For the type I diabetes, the solution that the patient is living with the disease is not so simple. However, even here, part of the answer may not be in medical treatment but on the attitude of the individual to diabetes. It is true that the prospect of daily injections, perhaps several times a day is not pleasant, nor is the finger prick to check blood glucose. Nor is it easy to make sure that your life is organized to the point of eating similar foods each day at regular intervals at the same time, and which are properly planned exercise and physical rest.
At the same time, it was realistic in accepting the fact that at present there is no cure for diabetes. But there is a cure, although it requires discipline, it can keep diabetics alive and in reasonably good condition for far more years than without treatment. Attitudes to avoid

must avoid two completely opposite attitudes. On the one hand, people with diabetes should avoid being careless about the problem, failing to follow doctors' prescriptions wise and perhaps hoping that the problem disappears. Not disappear.
On the other hand, since the emotions cause irregular blood glucose levels, it would be counterproductive to worry too much of the problem. Will not help feed constant fear and have the constant concern for the care of diabetes with the exclusion of normal activities. Although the life of diabetics having to be adjusted, the vast majority can live a well planned.
Losing a limb: how to reduce the risk
In most cases you can avoid getting to the point of losing a limb! This is true even for those who suffer from peripheral vascular disease. As mentioned in the previous article, in many cases, these disorders are a consequence of diabetes. But often you can keep diabetes under control.
"that are prescribed or not insulin, nutrition is the foundation of therapy for diabetics, "says the Encyclopædia Britannica. Marcel Bayol, of Kings County Hospital in New York, said: "If people with diabetes are serious about their illness, are careful what they eat and remain under medical supervision, reduce the risk of losing a leg." If you have diabetes non-insulin-dependent and follows these tips can even see, over time, relief of symptoms.
Exercise is essential
Although exercise is important. It helps the body maintain normal glucose levels. Exercise helps people suffering from peripheral vascular disease to maintain strong, flexible, and properly sprayed with blood on the affected parties. The exercise also helps to reduce intermittent claudication (literally, "intermittent limp") is a disorder that affects those who suffer from peripheral vascular disease causing pain in the muscles of the calf when he walks or does exercise. In this case, however, should avoid exercises that involve effort and trauma to the legs. It is better, such as walking, cycling, rowing, swimming and water aerobics. Before starting a diet or a particular exercise program you should always consult a doctor.
Of course, anyone who takes health should definitely avoid smoking. The peripheral vascular disease are just one of many health problems that smoking creates or exacerbates. "Smoking is closely related to the amputations, especially those who smoke suffer from diabetes and peripheral vascular disease," said Dr. Bayol. How closely this correlation? A handbook for the rehabilitation of those who have lost a limb saying that "the amputations are 10 times more frequent among smokers than among non-smokers.
Care diseased limbs
The peripheral vascular disease can reduce circulation in the legs, and this in turn can undermine the vitality or sensitivity of the nerves, in which case we speak of neuropathy. At this point the legs are easily damaged, even if you do nothing but stay in bed. For example, if an electric blanket or heating pad should be overheating could cause a severe burn, as the person is unable to feel pain! For this reason, the manufacturers warn diabetics to be careful when using these devices.
diseased limbs are also more susceptible to infections. A simple scratch can cause ulcers and even gangrene. Therefore it is essential to take care of the feet, which includes wearing comfortable shoes and the right size and keep legs and feet clean and dry. Many hospitals 'clinics in the foot', which teach patients to take care of your feet. When
vascular disease has progressed to the point you need surgery, surgeons usually try to avoid amputation. An alternative procedure is balloon angioplasty. The vascular surgeon inserts a catheter in the artery with a balloon on top. The balloon is then inflated, thus expanding the artery occluded. Another possibility is a by-pass surgery: the replacement of blood vessels are very sick with others taken from another part of the body.
Barbara, now 54, suffers from insulin dependent diabetes since he was four. After giving birth to her first child began to have problems with circulation to the feet. Some doctors told her they had to be amputated. Barbara, However, he found a qualified vascular surgeon with angioplasty could improve circulation in her feet. Angioplasty worked for a while, but eventually Barbara was forced to undergo a bypass surgery, which was successful. Now Barbara has a lot of care of her feet.
Avoid trauma
Injuries are the second leading cause of loss of a limb. And they are much less selective vascular disease: they may lose any part of the body. However, having the right perspective on life can do much to reduce the risk of injury. What is being done to reduce the risks for the population in countries where many mines are scattered? In many countries were initiated by the government-sponsored programs to raise awareness about the problem of landmines. According to a report of the Secretary General of the United Nations, these programs teach the "at-risk populations. . . to minimize the risk margin even if they live or work in mined areas. "
Unfortunately, "people get used to the presence of mines and becomes irrelevant," says a UN report. "Sometimes religious factors encourage [people] to adopt a fatalistic attitude to these dangers."
Therefore being cautious and taking reasonable steps to protect the health can greatly reduce the risk of losing a limb. But what about those who have lost a limb? It can also lead a fulfilling life?
Other factors that may create or exacerbate vascular problems in the legs are wearing tight pants or other clothing, wear shoes that do not fit well or sit (especially with legs crossed) or standing for long periods.
Those who suffer from insulin-dependent diabetes (type I diabetes) to do daily insulin injections. If you have diabetes non-insulin-dependent (type II diabetes) can often control the disease with proper nutrition and exercise. In the United States, 95 percent of diabetics suffer from this form of diabetes.

For those who smoke the risk of losing a limb is much higher, especially if you suffer from vascular disease
Exercise and proper diet suitable promote the health of the circulatory system

The diet for diabetes
Tips generaliIl first goal of the diet in the diabetic is to keep as much as possible within the normal range blood sugar levels, namely the level of sugar in the blood. The more stable it will be the trend of blood glucose throughout the day, the less likely it is to get sick of diabetes complications (eye, kidney and nervous). Equally important, however, according to the most recent guidelines, is to maintain a proper level of fat (lipids) in the blood to minimize the cardiovascular risks of the disease comporta.Oggi, in fact, the general dietary recommendations for both types of diabetes (type I - or juvenile or insulin-dependent - and type 2 or adult-onset diabetes or non-insulin dependent) are not very different or very different from the rules of healthy diet that all people should follow to prevent certain diseases and metabolic cardiovascolari.Il role of the dietitian can be crucial to obtain lasting results in diabetes and in the case of type I diabetes, which often involves young people, can be very important to involve family in a series of meetings of nutrition education.
Diabetes type IPoiché is common for patients with this type of diabetes are thin or underweight, we generally recommend a diet "full", that provides sufficient calories to ensure muscle mass and normal fat reserves. In practice, a diet that does not deviate much from a "normal" diet. This means taking a normal amount of sugar (carbohydrates) complexes, namely those contained in particular in cereals (bread, pasta, rice, beans, potatoes ...) which can account for up to 60 percent of total calories when foods containing carbohydrates are also rich in "fiber (whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes). The presence of fiber is very important because it slows the absorption of "sugar" in the gut and thus fosters a more balanced blood sugar levels after eating. Foods rich in fiber

Vegetable fibers are contained in various foods typical Italian food. The fibers are useful to the diabetic because:
make more gradual absorption of carbohydrates, avoiding too high peaks of glucose after meals;
are effective in reducing cholesterol;
have a satiating effect and thus diminish the sense of hunger.
fibers more "profitable" in those with diabetes are water soluble, contained in legumes (beans, chickpeas, lentils, peas, grass pea), vegetables (artichokes, carrots, chicory, green beans, eggplant, broccoli, mushrooms, cauliflower, tomatoes ...) and fruits. These foods should be consumed daily, even several times a day to eat soluble fibers, which are contained in plant foods and whole foods (prepared with refined flour) as wholemeal bread, pasta and biscuits integral whole, are useful because improve bowel function and prevent the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine. But they did not have a different calorie content than their counterparts without fibers. For example, there is no difference between normal and spaghetti noodles integrals in terms of power effect on blood sugar or calories.
is always good to choose foods that contain carbohydrates that are absorbed more slowly, which already have a "glycemic index" lower. For example, the bread contains carbohydrates that are absorbed quickly (GI = 100) while other foods have carbohydrates that are absorbed more slowly and thus are more "profitable" for diabetes (see below).
glycemic index of some foods (as compared to bread)
PaneBananeRiso comuneGnocchi of farinaRiso parboiledSpaghettiAranceLatteFagioliLenticchie
100 84 80 70 60 60 66 50 45 40
Contrary to the findings in the past, especially in patients of normal weight, can be eaten even small amounts of simple sugars (such as those contained in milk, fruit, ice cream, and desserts) that do not cause as once thought, big setbacks on blood glucose in type I diabetics, who among other things often take insulin before meals ready. Crucial also is the fulfillment of mealtimes and regular consumption throughout the day with small snacks (see below) to ensure supply and split adjusted basis in the insulin doses prescribed by your doctor. Finally, remember that another mainstay of treatment is represented by a regular physical activity and program: fact, regular exercise lowers blood sugar, helps control the levels of blood cholesterol, prevents grease and reduces stress. To do this it is interesting to take a look at the so-called pyramid of physical activity, useful for all, even for diabetics.

Type II diabetes

Because the patient with diabetes type II (popularly known as "diabetic food") is also often overweight, the first goal is to lose weight and not to take drugs to lower blood glucose . The weight loss is achieved primarily by adopting a healthy lifestyle, which consists of a proper diet coupled with a moderate but regular physical activity. The reduction - even partial - of the weight (for example, 5-10 percent of overweight initial) will allow to improve - or even normalize - the values \u200b\u200bof blood glucose and fat levels (cholesterol and triglycerides) levels.

The diet of the diabetic overweight does not differ from that of any patient, therefore, are overweight or obese. Therefore, in these cases, it is good:
reduce the amount of fat in the diet, especially the "saturated", that is of animal origin such as butter, cheese, red meat;
prefer complex carbohydrates, avoiding simple sugars and increase consumption fiber;
maintain a generous contribution of protein, giving preference to those of plant origin (vegetables, like beans, lentils, chickpeas, beans, fenugreek, peas) compared to those of animal origin that are often too rich too fat. In this case always prefer fish and white meats.
The following foods, however, should be significantly limited:
whole milk, cream, cream, fat cheese such as mascarpone, pecorino and provolone;
offal, fatty meats, bacon, sausage, hot dogs, salami, mortadella, neck, pate, cup sausage;
olive bread, pizza by the slice "or filling;
lard, margarine, oils, mixed seed;
sugar, jam, sweets or chewing gum, chocolate, croissants, nougat, cakes, pastries, canned fruit or dried fruit;
soft drinks (orange, coca cola drinks) and fruit juices with added sugars.
Special suggestions

Snacks important appropriately distributed meals throughout the day, never skip breakfast and with the addition of at least two light meals (based on low-fat milk or yogurt, fruit or 40 grams bread with vegetables).
AlcoolNon compelling reasons to prohibit the recruitment of small amounts of alcohol, for example 1:00 to 2:00 glasses of dry wine (11-12 degrees) with meals, if the patient is not evident in overweight. Keep in mind also that the beer has a considerable content of simple sugars (maltose) and therefore its consumption must be lower compared to wine and only during meals. It should pay particular attention to the consumption of alcohol if a patient with diabetes has elevated blood triglycerides.
FruttaSebbene fruit should be taken with caution, because of its content of simple sugars, no kind of fruit is now banned from the diet of diabetics, for which, considering the amount of fiber you can eat all kinds of fruit, including banana, considering for example that a small banana does not contain much more sugar than an apple. In any case, you can use the so-called "exchange lists" that can replace different foods in the same group known equivalences in nutrient content (see below).

List of fruits: equivalent to 10 grams of sugar 160 grams

130 Grams 100 Grams 80 Grams

fatty essenzialiIn a disease like diabetes that with the passage of time is likely to damage the bloodstream, it can be useful to increase dietary intake of long chain fatty acids, also known as omega 3, which seem to be making some advantages over blood lipid profile, lowering triglycerides, reducing platelet aggregation, thereby increasing the flow of blood and perhaps lowering blood pressure. For this reason, we recommend eating at least twice a week the fish.
SaleNon there are specific indications on salt intake for diabetics, for whom the recommendations apply to the general population, suggesting that the amount of salt to be taken daily should not exceed 3 grams, unless this hypertension or even kidney disease (possible long-term complication of diabetes). To do this you must pay attention mainly to canned in brine, the bouillon cubes, salami, cheeses, ketchup, mayonnaise, potato chips and baked goods in general. Food
specialiPer check the blood sugar is not recommended so-called "diabetic products" which, despite having a reduced content of carbohydrate, are often - like chocolate or biscuits for diabetics - the richest in fat and therefore more calories. Aspartame and other synthetic sweeteners may reasonably be consumed in place of sugar, while it is very questionable use of fructose that has an adverse effect on the level of triglycerides in the blood.

Foods preferred

Fats All fats should be limited

* Meat Chicken, turkey, rabbit, veal and lean beef, venison, lean ham and bacon, dried beef
Dairy products and eggs *
Semi-skimmed milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, egg white fish

All kinds of boiled or baked fish, tuna in brine
fruit, vegetables and legumes
All types of vegetables, whether fresh or frozen soup, fruit fresh except one indicated next

Cereals Pasta, parboiled rice, barley

Liquorice Sweets and sweeteners, aspartame, saccharin

Drinks Tea, coffee

Other herbs, spices, mustard, pepper, vinegar, lemon juice, tomato juice

To be taken in moderation
Olive oil, margarine and oils derived from sunflower, corn, soybeans, peanuts
Ham cooked pork, lamb, corned beef
Caciotte fresh Parmesan and mozzarella cheese in small amounts, fruit yogurt, 1-2 eggs per week
Fried fish, seafood
bananas, persimmons, grapes, figs
Bread and flour , rice, pasta, biscuits common, pizza, polenta, gnocchi, bread sticks, crackers
Sorbitol, fructose, honey
wine, beer, fruit juices
condiment sauces and mayonnaise, low calorie

To be taken occasionally
butter, lard, hard margarine, seed oils
offal, fatty meats, bacon, sausage, frankfurters, sausages, salami, pate, ground beef and hamburger packaged chicken with skin, neck, mortadella, coppa
Whole milk, cream, cream, mascarpone, pecorino, provolone cheese, yogurt
roe (caviar)
fruit syrup, fruit
dry bread with olive oil, stuffed pizza, flatbread
Sugar, jam, candy, cream, chocolate, nougat, biscuits, croissants, cakes, pastries
Fruit juices with added sugar, coca-cola, orange
Mayonnaise, dressings based cream or cheese