Tuesday, July 31, 2007
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The doctor often will prescribe anti-depressants. These medicinal preparations in order to solve the chemical imbalance. a patient, have used them and within weeks her mood started to improve. "But I had to try to be positive to promote the effect of drugs," he said. "Now that I had the help of medication, I was determined to recover. I also followed a daily exercise."
Antidepressants, however, are not always effective. On some also have unpleasant side effects. And even if the chemical imbalance is corrected, if you do not correct their thinking, depression can occur again. However, you can try a lot of relief being willing to. . .
express her feelings
Sara felt much the weight of family responsibilities that fell heavily on her, and also the pressure of work outside the home. "But my repressed feelings," she says. "Then, one evening I felt desperate, I called my sister and for the first time in my life I began to give vent to my feelings. It was a turning point, because that phone call brought me a great relief. "
So if you're depressed, seek an understanding person with whom to confide. It can be a spouse, a close friend, a relative, a religious minister, a doctor or a good adviser. According to a study whose data are reported in the Journal of Marriage and the Family, one thing is essential to defeat depression "have someone to whom they can address and with whom to share the troubles of life."
It is sweet to have a friend or a spouse who speaks with frankness and helps you see things in perspective. It can help you focus on a problem at a time.
Maybe you need someone who, after several conversations, we can indicate some short-term goals such as to suggest the necessary steps to change or amend your situation in order to reduce or eliminate the cause of emotional strain.
When you fight against depression must often fight against feelings of low self-esteem. How can we effectively resist these feelings?
appreciate more
For example, Mary, fell into a state of depression because of disagreements in the family. He concluded: 'I feel like a worm. I can not make a right '. This thought was wrong. If only he analyzed his findings, he could counter with this argument: 'Some things do good, some bad, like everybody else. I made a couple of mistakes, and I have to force myself to be more prudent, but not exaggerated things'. By this reasoning, his self-esteem would remain intact.
How often hypercritical that inner voice that condemns us is wrong! Some of the typical distorted thoughts that generate depression are listed in the attached prospectus. Learn to recognize and counteract these wrong thoughts mentally.
Another victim of low self-esteem was Gianna, a thirty-seven unmarried with children. "I had to work hard to bring up two boys. But when I saw other mothers who were married, I thought: 'There must be something wrong with me,'" she says. "Pausing only on negative thoughts, they multiplied to excess, so that ended up in hospital for depression cure me. "
Some thoughts were wrong, 'My value as a person depends on what others think of me', 'No I never feel hurt, I always have to be happy and peaceful ',' I must be the perfect parent '. I had a tendency to be perfectionist, so I reasoned that as soon as I prayed to God to help me stop. I learned that negative thoughts have lead to low self-esteem, because we see only their own troubles and not the good things God has given us. forcing me to avoid certain erroneous thinking I won the depression. " Do you have any thought that must be countered or rejected?
Is it my fault?
Although very depressed, Alexander was able to teach in a school. When some of his students does not exceed an important test of reading, began to think of suicide. "Believed to have failed," says his wife Esther. "I told him that was not his fault. You can not have 100 percent success." Unbearable sense of guilt, however, closed his mind and led him to suicide. In many cases, people exaggerate their faults held responsible for wrong, the actions of others.
Even in the case of a child, a parent can have a strong influence on his life, but can not control it completely. If something does not go as you had set, ask yourself: What has happened is something unexpected and independent of my will? I did everything I could reasonably within the limits of my physical resources, mental and emotional? I was expecting too much? I need to learn to be more reasonable and modest?
Some of our emotional problems may emanate from the past, especially if we were the victims of injustice. Be willing to forgive and forget. 'It is not easy to forget!', You might think. It is true, but it is always better than to spoil the rest of his life brooding over what you can not change.
Mary also has learned not to think too much about the past. Scolded the mother for a time as had brought. The mother gave importance to physical beauty and prowess, for which Mary was a perfectionist, and was raised to be jealous of his attractive sister.
"The basis of this conflict was latent jealousy, but I thought it was because of my family if I acted that way. At some point, though, I thought, 'How important is determining who is to blame?' Maybe I have some negative traits due to the way my mother raised me, but the important thing is to do something about it, stop acting like that. " The realization of this fact has helped Maria to make the necessary changes in the way of thinking to win the fight against depression. The
your true value
All in all, to successfully combat the depression must have a balanced view of what it's worth. False pride, do not recognize their own limitations and perfectionism are all ways in which we overestimate ourselves. We must resist these trends. However, avoid going to another extreme.
But the thing that helped me was changing my way of looking at prayer, "recalls Sara." I used to think that one could only pray to God about the important things and we should not bother with trivial problems. Now I feel I speak with him about everything. If I'm nervous because I have to make a decision, ask him to help me be calm and reasonable. I approach even more to him seeing that hears my prayers and helps me to get to the end of each day and to overcome any difficult circumstance. "
In fact, the certainty that God is personally interested in you, who understands your limitations and they will give the strength to face each day is the secret in the fight against depression.
You want to have your say? The methods you have used work? Speak so that others will benefit.
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