In a typical asthma attack, the subject feels a tightness in the chest. Gasping and coughing, fighting for breath. It is distressing experience. An asthma attack can be quite strong or light. Symptoms will vary, as does the frequency of attacks. Some always have symptoms, although with different intensity.
What causes these unpleasant feelings? As you may know, air is sent to the lungs through the bronchi. In many asthmatics, allergic reactions cause hypersensitivity in the bronchi. The muscles of the bronchial wall can be twitch, the mucus lining of the bronchial glands may swell and the bronchial wall may produce excess mucus. The result? The bronchial narrowing. Is not it strange that the patient do not breathe.
What causes asthma?
What triggers an asthma attack? Maybe an infection, an emotional disturbance or a severe allergic reaction to something. However, once the disease occurs in the subject, may have different antigens, or specific substances, which will make the hypersensitive bronchi. And once the bronchi are sensitized to them, other factors such as temperature changes, varying degrees of humidity, physical exercise or emotional upset can trigger attacks.
Doctors may be able to identify some of the antigens that cause an asthma attack, but often you can not find them all. And even when they are not always possible to avoid them. It may take time to do a survey depth in order to find the causes of asthma and the best way to cure it. It may take a lot of patience by the patient and physician. But probably the time spent in this way will allow to better control the symptoms.
How to prevent attacks
There are many things that irritate the lungs and can cause an attack of asthma in the patient. Try to avoid contact with what is mentioned below.
Tobacco Smoke: Do not smoke and avoid smoky environments. Doctors have less understanding for asthmatics who continue to smoke. And friends of people with asthma should not smoke in his presence. Although it does not immediately attack, hours later, the sufferer may be in serious difficulties for the effects of smoking.
Powder: Try to avoid dusty and closed and the activities that stirs up dust. If for reasons of work come into contact with a lot of dust, take seriously the possibility of changing jobs. Some asthmatics find that their symptoms occur only at night or in the bedroom. It could be the fault of the house dust mites or those little powder in the house? Often yes, so the bedroom asthmatic should be as free from dust. Here are some suggestions of a home suited for asthmatics:
clean the bedroom every day. Each week
cleaned thoroughly and the vacuum mattress, bed base, and covered the floor. The hardwood floors are the best rugs and carpets, curtains and blinds.
Dust furniture, top of doors, window frames and sills with a damp cloth or oil.
should completely change the air in the room and then close doors and windows, at least three or four hours before the person goes to bed.
mattress, blankets and pillows should not be non-allergic, and you should regularly exposed to the sun if possible.
One last thing. Do not let pets in the bedroom. And if there is some evidence that you are allergic to animals, trovategli another house or, at least, always keep it away from home.
Why worry about a little 'dirty?
"I live alone. No one but me and my few close friends see the dirt, so why worry?" asked a white-haired widow. "Only my family see it and they know my condition," said a housewife who suffers from arthritis pain.
Yet there are clear advantages to having the house clean. In fact, some respiratory diseases worsened because of the dust. We feel a natural attraction to all that is orderly, neat and clean, and at the same time we tend to shy away, even if only mentally, everything from that is sloppy. When the house is in order, we usually avoid the frustrations that come from trying to find a required item. In addition, a clean house is a sense of dignity and self respect.
The majority of those suffering from chronic diseases agree that a house in order has clear advantages, but it seems that the efforts of some to be hampered by deeply rooted feelings.
is important to have the right spirit
People suffering from chronic illness may develop a spirit of self-pity and think, "What is the effort?" Of course when you have some serious health problem and often the pain is severe, it is difficult to maintain an optimistic spirit. Others are quick to say: "Cheer up, it is not so bad." But you know what is serious and you must live every day with your illness.
But you must agree that could be worse. You are alive and your spirit can be the difference between a life of emptiness and disappointment or a rich and meaningful life. A wise proverb says: "All days are bad for the afflicted, for a happy heart [good] is a continual feast."
"All days are bad" or bad for those who are afflicted with some debilitating disease. It's a miserable life. But even those who consider the positives of having a house and at least some resources to clean energy to clean it, things can look different. For that person's life can be enjoyable as if it were "a continual feast." Although some days are not the best, not all days are bad.
"Sometimes I do not feel right to clean," said a housewife suffering from chronic asthma, "but I've always done. I can not stand a dirty house. So I rolled up his sleeves and try to clean up. Then I'm exhausted but look at my work - as everything is shiny - and I feel satisfied. " The difference was in his mind. Be realistic
"Try to do as much as possible within the limits allowed by your state of health, but do not waste energy doing something that is not really important only for prove that you are able to do it! "recommends the book for the Handicapped homemaking. We must be realistic.
how to accept the fact that you have blue eyes and brown hair or you have to wear glasses, you learn to accept your illness or other limitations. Consider what your skills and use them. Recognize that your home will not be as immaculate as that of others who enjoy good health. However, in many cases, if you care, your house will be cleaner than that of those who they do not clean out of laziness or lack of self-esteem.
the best intentions, however, will remain if the cleaning work are superior to our forces. Some practical tips will help you to reduce the workload.
Facilitatevi things
Even if you can cut down a tree with a dark blunt that effort! However, if you wisely "grind" or sharpened the ax, those "efforts" will take less! For those who are sick, you must follow this principle, since the energy is like money: the less you have, the more we have to save it.
Then think: How can I simplify the housework? What steps can I use to attend to chores while reducing the "efforts"? ●
eliminate the superfluous.
"I try not to have the house too cluttered. I do not think well," said an octogenarian recovering from a serious operation. Watching her home simple, yet extraordinarily clean, you can not help but appreciate his point of view.
Examine your home to see what you can delete. Maybe you can get rid of the chair is in the dark corner where no one sits still, or that cabinet that contains only junk. How many ornaments are out there or how many pictures on the walls? It takes less effort to wipe that twenty ten. If you have more health, you could keep more mobile and more trinkets. A room is still not necessarily rake because there are only a few ornaments. If those few are chosen with care, can be a sign of your good taste.
If the house is large, maybe you can close some rooms, covering the furniture with old sheets, and open it only when you have guests or when necessary for other reasons. So you will save a lot of work. ●
upholstery highlights the dark dust light colors stain easily. The fabrics in a neutral color, perhaps with a design rather than solid, keep a cleaner appearance with a minimum of effort. Find that the floor of linoleum or wood can be cleaned more easily than carpeting. Also with regard to the dishes, some found that the plastic dishes unbreakable easy to wash and there is less fear of breaking them.
Keep on hand all the things you need to clean often. Putting a sponge and detergent near the bathtub, you or your family will be more inclined to clean the tub when you finish using it.
"I keep everything you need in one basket, so instead of making six trips, I make two," said a woman suffering from arthritis deformans. Other energy-saving by using pliers to grasp objects or to clean hard to reach places.
"Let me be frank: I think the feather duster is an absolute necessity," says the writer Carol Eisen. And, even assuming that the dust is scattered on the floor (where you can pick up a broom assorbipolvere) adds: "With you down four times faster than with the cloth, especially when it comes to things like dust telephones, lamps and potted palms." Of course, stirred up the dust can irritate asthma sufferers. Others have found that a broom is better assorbipolvere and collect dust rather than spread it around.
But despite all your efforts, problems will arise for which there is no easy solution. You will have the black days, as acknowledged by a woman whose joints are terribly deformed by arthritis, "When you pour the milk there is nothing else to do but turn up the volume on the radio while I clean so I feel the music instead of my aching joints" .
Do a little 'time
Many who have poor health at a time to clean a room not too tired. Maybe sometimes you have to do less. "One day I cleaned the bedroom. It was too hard for me to move the furniture," confessed one woman who had poor health, "so I said to my daughter, 'Today I had half a room, and tomorrow I will do the rest!' We had a good laugh, and the day after I finished. "
You can save time by cleaning immediately after fouled. The five minutes spent to clean the stove or oven immediately when they are soiled they can save you hours of laborious cleaning when dirt has hardened.
If you have a program in broad terms to avoid time to panic when you see that the chores are piling up, because you know that sooner or later attend to. But you must have a flexible schedule. Maybe on Tuesday morning did not feel like cleaning the kitchen floor as you had planned, so you have to do a light work.
"If you keep the house in good condition," said an expert housewife, "then you do not feel good when you can only give a pass that no one will notice the difference." Yet sometimes it feels so bad that you are not even able to "give a pass." So what?
accept with gratitude the help that others offer
Others will recognize your needs and you offer their help. Never be so proud not to accept it, or so picky on how to do things that the person who has come to help you regret the day when we offered her help. Cleanliness is important
A pleasant atmosphere picks up the morale. We can also be encouraged by the favorable comments of others on our house clean.
When a person, man or woman, can keep the house clean in spite of ill health, increases your joy of living. Do not you feel more guilty and depressed thinking about what he should do.
The difference there is between keeping the house clean or not is best summed up by these words of a housewife which is almost totally blind and yet manages to have a spotless house: "You try a deep sense of well being." You too can feel this way, despite the limitations caused by bad health!
temperature and humidity: The temperature changes and extremes of heat and cold can cause an attack. The ideal is just hot and humid air. So if you suffer from asthma, outputs as little as possible with the fog and cold dry. Do not hold too high and the radiators to dry air. If the temperature changes provoke attacks at night, during the winter months try to warm the room with a machine with thermostat. If the humidity is causing your symptoms, try using an automatic moisture.
emotional tension and fatigue: one or the other can trigger an asthma attack. It is true that we can not always control the emotional tension. Also
asthma sufferers are wise to strive to know their physical limits, avoiding fatigue, which can also trigger an attack.
Food: The nature of food allergies can cause asthma attacks, especially in children or adults suffering from asthma since childhood. The cause may also in having to seek common foods like milk, eggs, oatmeal, corn and rice. But it may take many investigations to discover the culprit, especially if it is a substance widely used as sugar. And of course it may be that it is not only a food. The adults would do well to regard alcohol, especially beer and wine as possible aggravating factors.
Exercise: Sometimes it is undue stress to trigger an asthma attack, usually after the stress is finished. If you ever, do physical exercises, such as those who are playing squash (playing with the racket), which requires a sudden energy input and tee off at more progressive forms of exercise such as swimming and cycling. Before engaging in any strenuous activity probably will be useful to make use of a bronchodilator (A medicine used to relieve the bronchial tubes). A physiotherapist can help you establish a program that allows you to gradually tolerate more and more exercises. So you can engage in more activities without being short of breath.
Infections: Often, mild respiratory infections, such as a cold or flu, triggering asthma attacks or aggravate the symptoms. When infection is present the usual anti-asthma medicine does not always effect. During the period of pollen
: While those with respiratory problems can have several problems in the winter months, many suffer from the so-called hay fever. During the summer months microscopic particles pollen into the air can cause untold suffering and hardship to those suffering from asthma. It is impossible to eliminate the causes of pollen, but it will be useful to use a little 'common sense. For example, during periods of pollen try to avoid the freshly mowed grass and overgrown areas or rural areas, and if possible, use an air conditioner efficiently.
Molds: All around us there are thousands of molds or fungi. Fungal spores (reproductive cells) growing on plant material or animal. Also abundant on wheat, oats, corn, herbs and leaves. Although it has been shown that only a small number of them cause problems for asthmatics, one study suggests that spores may be an important factor allergic. So, even if it is impossible to eliminate the spores into the air, may be useful the following precautions: Avoid
basements and humid and moldy buildings.
not collect or not to burn leaves or grass.
disinfect or destroy any article moldy.
not keep plants at home and not make a compost heap in the garden.
invaded parts of the house decontaminated from mold.
your child has asthma?
In that case he needs your moral support. Both you and his teachers need to understand his problem and help you cope. You should not push a child to do more than they can, but you should not even allow you to use asthma as an excuse to not do certain things that would be good for him.
His physical activities should be preferably non-competitive in nature, although many children with asthma, when they have no symptoms, can make the most of the games. However, the child with chronic asthma may be able to make only a limited amount, and adults should be careful not to push too much. A wise use of medicines can help you participate in regular physical activities such as gymnastics, and the teacher should know when and how to use the bronchodilator aerosol.
Some children suffer so much due to asthma that often struggle to breathe and pant. These children are often anxious and tense, and both parents and teachers are very concerned for them. They lose a lot of lessons and perhaps are not able to participate in the games.
Parents can be too protective with those children. If the child lives in a house where there are continuing tensions and disputes, may fail the support, love, understanding and encouragement which has so desperately need. Parents dealing with asthma in a healthy and optimistic to help the child to be less tense, downplaying the severity of the disorder.
If someone has a seizure. . .
put into a quiet and reassure. Can stand or sit and lean forward - the position most often comfortable during an attack - and should immediately use the bronchodilator. Where is the bronchodilator inhalation, may take effect more quickly and therefore be more effective than medicines taken orally. If the attack is strong - especially if the sufferer is unable to speak clearly - we must take him to the doctor as soon as possible. Incidentally, the patient loses a lot of moisture during an attack because of wheezing. So give him plenty to drink.
Care of asthmatics
Physiotherapy is of great help for those suffering from asthma, especially to show how to breathe properly (with the diaphragm) and how to avoid shortness of breath. The therapist can also teach him to relax, to take the right position and do those exercises that help to keep asthma under control. The treatments vary. The doctor is usually the best person to recommend the best type of treatment in each individual case.
there are treatments include the use of drugs, such as sodium CROMOLIN and steroids, as well as various types of bronchodilators. Of course, with the use of medications, there can be side effects. A doctor may recommend other treatments.
What asthma is a complex problem. Relatives and friends must be aware of this fact if they want to help the sick. Avoid saying things like 'I do not think about it,' or 'You have a great appearance '. The asthma patients who learn to understand their disorder can console themselves knowing that they can be better prepared for asthma attacks, better equipped to avoid things that trigger them, and to reduce somewhat the tension, anxiety and discomfort.
Written by a patient of asthma.
In a typical asthma attack, the subject feels a tightness in the chest. Gasping and coughing, fighting for breath. It is distressing experience. An asthma attack can be quite strong or light. Symptoms will vary, as does the frequency of attacks. Some always have symptoms, although with different intensity.
What causes these unpleasant feelings? As you may know, air is sent to the lungs through the bronchi. In many asthmatics, allergic reactions cause hypersensitivity in the bronchi. The muscles of the bronchial wall can be twitch, the mucus lining of the bronchial glands may swell and the bronchial wall may produce excess mucus. The result? The bronchial narrowing. Is not it strange that the patient do not breathe.
What causes asthma?
What triggers an asthma attack? Maybe an infection, an emotional disturbance or a severe allergic reaction to something. However, once the disease occurs in the subject, may have different antigens, or specific substances, which will make the hypersensitive bronchi. And once the bronchi are sensitized to them, other factors such as temperature changes, varying degrees of humidity, physical exercise or emotional upset can trigger attacks.
Doctors may be able to identify some of the antigens that cause an asthma attack, but often you can not find them all. And even when they are not always possible to avoid them. It may take time to do a survey depth in order to find the causes of asthma and the best way to cure it. It may take a lot of patience by the patient and physician. But probably the time spent in this way will allow to better control the symptoms.
How to prevent attacks
There are many things that irritate the lungs and can cause an attack of asthma in the patient. Try to avoid contact with what is mentioned below.
Tobacco Smoke: Do not smoke and avoid smoky environments. Doctors have less understanding for asthmatics who continue to smoke. And friends of people with asthma should not smoke in his presence. Although it does not immediately attack, hours later, the sufferer may be in serious difficulties for the effects of smoking.
Powder: Try to avoid dusty and closed and the activities that stirs up dust. If for reasons of work come into contact with a lot of dust, take seriously the possibility of changing jobs. Some asthmatics find that their symptoms occur only at night or in the bedroom. It could be the fault of the house dust mites or those little powder in the house? Often yes, so the bedroom asthmatic should be as free from dust. Here are some suggestions of a home suited for asthmatics:
clean the bedroom every day. Each week
cleaned thoroughly and the vacuum mattress, bed base, and covered the floor. The hardwood floors are the best rugs and carpets, curtains and blinds.
Dust furniture, top of doors, window frames and sills with a damp cloth or oil.
should completely change the air in the room and then close doors and windows, at least three or four hours before the person goes to bed.
mattress, blankets and pillows should not be non-allergic, and you should regularly exposed to the sun if possible.
One last thing. Do not let pets in the bedroom. And if there is some evidence that you are allergic to animals, trovategli another house or, at least, always keep it away from home.
Why worry about a little 'dirty?
"I live alone. No one but me and my few close friends see the dirt, so why worry?" asked a white-haired widow. "Only my family see it and they know my condition," said a housewife who suffers from arthritis pain.
Yet there are clear advantages to having the house clean. In fact, some respiratory diseases worsened because of the dust. We feel a natural attraction to all that is orderly, neat and clean, and at the same time we tend to shy away, even if only mentally, everything from that is sloppy. When the house is in order, we usually avoid the frustrations that come from trying to find a required item. In addition, a clean house is a sense of dignity and self respect.
The majority of those suffering from chronic diseases agree that a house in order has clear advantages, but it seems that the efforts of some to be hampered by deeply rooted feelings.
is important to have the right spirit
People suffering from chronic illness may develop a spirit of self-pity and think, "What is the effort?" Of course when you have some serious health problem and often the pain is severe, it is difficult to maintain an optimistic spirit. Others are quick to say: "Cheer up, it is not so bad." But you know what is serious and you must live every day with your illness.
But you must agree that could be worse. You are alive and your spirit can be the difference between a life of emptiness and disappointment or a rich and meaningful life. A wise proverb says: "All days are bad for the afflicted, for a happy heart [good] is a continual feast."
"All days are bad" or bad for those who are afflicted with some debilitating disease. It's a miserable life. But even those who consider the positives of having a house and at least some resources to clean energy to clean it, things can look different. For that person's life can be enjoyable as if it were "a continual feast." Although some days are not the best, not all days are bad.
"Sometimes I do not feel right to clean," said a housewife suffering from chronic asthma, "but I've always done. I can not stand a dirty house. So I rolled up his sleeves and try to clean up. Then I'm exhausted but look at my work - as everything is shiny - and I feel satisfied. " The difference was in his mind. Be realistic
"Try to do as much as possible within the limits allowed by your state of health, but do not waste energy doing something that is not really important only for prove that you are able to do it! "recommends the book for the Handicapped homemaking. We must be realistic.
how to accept the fact that you have blue eyes and brown hair or you have to wear glasses, you learn to accept your illness or other limitations. Consider what your skills and use them. Recognize that your home will not be as immaculate as that of others who enjoy good health. However, in many cases, if you care, your house will be cleaner than that of those who they do not clean out of laziness or lack of self-esteem.
the best intentions, however, will remain if the cleaning work are superior to our forces. Some practical tips will help you to reduce the workload.
Facilitatevi things
Even if you can cut down a tree with a dark blunt that effort! However, if you wisely "grind" or sharpened the ax, those "efforts" will take less! For those who are sick, you must follow this principle, since the energy is like money: the less you have, the more we have to save it.
Then think: How can I simplify the housework? What steps can I use to attend to chores while reducing the "efforts"? ●
eliminate the superfluous.
"I try not to have the house too cluttered. I do not think well," said an octogenarian recovering from a serious operation. Watching her home simple, yet extraordinarily clean, you can not help but appreciate his point of view.
Examine your home to see what you can delete. Maybe you can get rid of the chair is in the dark corner where no one sits still, or that cabinet that contains only junk. How many ornaments are out there or how many pictures on the walls? It takes less effort to wipe that twenty ten. If you have more health, you could keep more mobile and more trinkets. A room is still not necessarily rake because there are only a few ornaments. If those few are chosen with care, can be a sign of your good taste.
If the house is large, maybe you can close some rooms, covering the furniture with old sheets, and open it only when you have guests or when necessary for other reasons. So you will save a lot of work. ●
upholstery highlights the dark dust light colors stain easily. The fabrics in a neutral color, perhaps with a design rather than solid, keep a cleaner appearance with a minimum of effort. Find that the floor of linoleum or wood can be cleaned more easily than carpeting. Also with regard to the dishes, some found that the plastic dishes unbreakable easy to wash and there is less fear of breaking them.
Keep on hand all the things you need to clean often. Putting a sponge and detergent near the bathtub, you or your family will be more inclined to clean the tub when you finish using it.
"I keep everything you need in one basket, so instead of making six trips, I make two," said a woman suffering from arthritis deformans. Other energy-saving by using pliers to grasp objects or to clean hard to reach places.
"Let me be frank: I think the feather duster is an absolute necessity," says the writer Carol Eisen. And, even assuming that the dust is scattered on the floor (where you can pick up a broom assorbipolvere) adds: "With you down four times faster than with the cloth, especially when it comes to things like dust telephones, lamps and potted palms." Of course, stirred up the dust can irritate asthma sufferers. Others have found that a broom is better assorbipolvere and collect dust rather than spread it around.
But despite all your efforts, problems will arise for which there is no easy solution. You will have the black days, as acknowledged by a woman whose joints are terribly deformed by arthritis, "When you pour the milk there is nothing else to do but turn up the volume on the radio while I clean so I feel the music instead of my aching joints" .
Do a little 'time
Many who have poor health at a time to clean a room not too tired. Maybe sometimes you have to do less. "One day I cleaned the bedroom. It was too hard for me to move the furniture," confessed one woman who had poor health, "so I said to my daughter, 'Today I had half a room, and tomorrow I will do the rest!' We had a good laugh, and the day after I finished. "
You can save time by cleaning immediately after fouled. The five minutes spent to clean the stove or oven immediately when they are soiled they can save you hours of laborious cleaning when dirt has hardened.
If you have a program in broad terms to avoid time to panic when you see that the chores are piling up, because you know that sooner or later attend to. But you must have a flexible schedule. Maybe on Tuesday morning did not feel like cleaning the kitchen floor as you had planned, so you have to do a light work.
"If you keep the house in good condition," said an expert housewife, "then you do not feel good when you can only give a pass that no one will notice the difference." Yet sometimes it feels so bad that you are not even able to "give a pass." So what?
accept with gratitude the help that others offer
Others will recognize your needs and you offer their help. Never be so proud not to accept it, or so picky on how to do things that the person who has come to help you regret the day when we offered her help. Cleanliness is important
A pleasant atmosphere picks up the morale. We can also be encouraged by the favorable comments of others on our house clean.
When a person, man or woman, can keep the house clean in spite of ill health, increases your joy of living. Do not you feel more guilty and depressed thinking about what he should do.
The difference there is between keeping the house clean or not is best summed up by these words of a housewife which is almost totally blind and yet manages to have a spotless house: "You try a deep sense of well being." You too can feel this way, despite the limitations caused by bad health!
temperature and humidity: The temperature changes and extremes of heat and cold can cause an attack. The ideal is just hot and humid air. So if you suffer from asthma, outputs as little as possible with the fog and cold dry. Do not hold too high and the radiators to dry air. If the temperature changes provoke attacks at night, during the winter months try to warm the room with a machine with thermostat. If the humidity is causing your symptoms, try using an automatic moisture.
emotional tension and fatigue: one or the other can trigger an asthma attack. It is true that we can not always control the emotional tension. Also
asthma sufferers are wise to strive to know their physical limits, avoiding fatigue, which can also trigger an attack.
Food: The nature of food allergies can cause asthma attacks, especially in children or adults suffering from asthma since childhood. The cause may also in having to seek common foods like milk, eggs, oatmeal, corn and rice. But it may take many investigations to discover the culprit, especially if it is a substance widely used as sugar. And of course it may be that it is not only a food. The adults would do well to regard alcohol, especially beer and wine as possible aggravating factors.
Exercise: Sometimes it is undue stress to trigger an asthma attack, usually after the stress is finished. If you ever, do physical exercises, such as those who are playing squash (playing with the racket), which requires a sudden energy input and tee off at more progressive forms of exercise such as swimming and cycling. Before engaging in any strenuous activity probably will be useful to make use of a bronchodilator (A medicine used to relieve the bronchial tubes). A physiotherapist can help you establish a program that allows you to gradually tolerate more and more exercises. So you can engage in more activities without being short of breath.
Infections: Often, mild respiratory infections, such as a cold or flu, triggering asthma attacks or aggravate the symptoms. When infection is present the usual anti-asthma medicine does not always effect. During the period of pollen
: While those with respiratory problems can have several problems in the winter months, many suffer from the so-called hay fever. During the summer months microscopic particles pollen into the air can cause untold suffering and hardship to those suffering from asthma. It is impossible to eliminate the causes of pollen, but it will be useful to use a little 'common sense. For example, during periods of pollen try to avoid the freshly mowed grass and overgrown areas or rural areas, and if possible, use an air conditioner efficiently.
Molds: All around us there are thousands of molds or fungi. Fungal spores (reproductive cells) growing on plant material or animal. Also abundant on wheat, oats, corn, herbs and leaves. Although it has been shown that only a small number of them cause problems for asthmatics, one study suggests that spores may be an important factor allergic. So, even if it is impossible to eliminate the spores into the air, may be useful the following precautions: Avoid
basements and humid and moldy buildings.
not collect or not to burn leaves or grass.
disinfect or destroy any article moldy.
not keep plants at home and not make a compost heap in the garden.
invaded parts of the house decontaminated from mold.
your child has asthma?
In that case he needs your moral support. Both you and his teachers need to understand his problem and help you cope. You should not push a child to do more than they can, but you should not even allow you to use asthma as an excuse to not do certain things that would be good for him.
His physical activities should be preferably non-competitive in nature, although many children with asthma, when they have no symptoms, can make the most of the games. However, the child with chronic asthma may be able to make only a limited amount, and adults should be careful not to push too much. A wise use of medicines can help you participate in regular physical activities such as gymnastics, and the teacher should know when and how to use the bronchodilator aerosol.
Some children suffer so much due to asthma that often struggle to breathe and pant. These children are often anxious and tense, and both parents and teachers are very concerned for them. They lose a lot of lessons and perhaps are not able to participate in the games.
Parents can be too protective with those children. If the child lives in a house where there are continuing tensions and disputes, may fail the support, love, understanding and encouragement which has so desperately need. Parents dealing with asthma in a healthy and optimistic to help the child to be less tense, downplaying the severity of the disorder.
If someone has a seizure. . .
put into a quiet and reassure. Can stand or sit and lean forward - the position most often comfortable during an attack - and should immediately use the bronchodilator. Where is the bronchodilator inhalation, may take effect more quickly and therefore be more effective than medicines taken orally. If the attack is strong - especially if the sufferer is unable to speak clearly - we must take him to the doctor as soon as possible. Incidentally, the patient loses a lot of moisture during an attack because of wheezing. So give him plenty to drink.
Care of asthmatics
Physiotherapy is of great help for those suffering from asthma, especially to show how to breathe properly (with the diaphragm) and how to avoid shortness of breath. The therapist can also teach him to relax, to take the right position and do those exercises that help to keep asthma under control. The treatments vary. The doctor is usually the best person to recommend the best type of treatment in each individual case.
there are treatments include the use of drugs, such as sodium CROMOLIN and steroids, as well as various types of bronchodilators. Of course, with the use of medications, there can be side effects. A doctor may recommend other treatments.
What asthma is a complex problem. Relatives and friends must be aware of this fact if they want to help the sick. Avoid saying things like 'I do not think about it,' or 'You have a great appearance '. The asthma patients who learn to understand their disorder can console themselves knowing that they can be better prepared for asthma attacks, better equipped to avoid things that trigger them, and to reduce somewhat the tension, anxiety and discomfort.
Written by a patient of asthma.
alternative therapies to official medicine
OMEOPATIAFondatore of this discipline is the German Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) who, experimenting on himself above all the properties of cinchona bark and other substances such as arsenic, mercury and digital, is convinced of the validity of the now well-known principle: similia similibus curantur (like cures similar) Homeopathic medicine is a clinical system that uses micro doses of pharmaceutical substances derived from plants, minerals or animals in order to stimulate the natural healing response. indicated in acute bronchitis, asthmatic bronchitis, bronchial hypersecretion: Antimonium Tartaricum - Arsenicum ALB. 30 - CALI CARB. 30 - 30 IPEC
acupuncture Chinese tradition believes that there is a vital energy called "Ki", \u200b\u200bwhich circulates throughout the body by means of energy channels called "meridians." The disease is therefore seen as an excessive flow, a traffic jam or a shortage of such energy. The action dell'agopuntore is precisely directed to return it to its normal, in fact, emotions and bodies Interiors are closely related. 6-8 treatments needed were (carried out by a medical expert) to greatly improve the quality of breathing and diminish over time the attacks of the disease by reducing the intensity. FITOTERPIALa Phytotherapy is the method that uses plants or, more precisely its active part therapeutic purposes. The active ingredients of a medicinal plant those components are natural chemical composition giving it a therapeutic activity. For herbal medicine is defined as a therapeutic practice that makes use of medicines whose active substance is composed exclusively of a drug or a preparation plant. The active substances of plant stand to be complex mixtures of compounds Chemicals (phytocomplexes) and not by individual chemical compounds as in the case of the majority of drugs currently in use (drugs monolayers). Herbs recommended for those suffering from asthma are centonchio, echinacea, propolis, the horsetail, the 'infusion of pau d'arco, nettles (side effects), juniper berries, damiana infusion to calm nerves, licorice root, tablets, cinchona bark, the American elm, ephedra to dilate the bronchioles (tolerance levels increase with use) and forskolin (medicine) to dilate the bronchioles and prevent inflammation (but the effects are short lived and can cause cardiovascular problems). Thai Ginger has the same positive characteristics. La historia el'euforbia have expectorant qualities but can be toxic to the kidneys. The ginkgo is used for all lung diseases (the ginkgolide B is being studied for the treatment of asthma and other diseases), the lobelia is effective during an attack, the clover is an expectorant and Schisandra is an herb Chinese who acts as an astringent. Homotoxicology - CATALYTIC INTERMEDIATE I - I Nosodes - THE organotherapy SUISA - THE ALLEOPATICI OMEOPATIZZATI The etymology of the word homeopathy antiomotossica homotoxicology or means: a study of the effects of toxins on human subjects treated omeopaticoL'omotossicologia or Antiomotossica Homeopathy Homeopathy is a current, identify the factors toxic to humans (of exogenous or endogenous) the cause of the disease, clinical com'espressione interpreted the struggle of the organism against toxins, in order to neutralize and expel , taking care so naturally .. i antihomotoxic, that chemicals in appropriate dilution (to trigger the reverse effect) which, occurring in enzymatic reactions (which act as inducers), and the immune system, can activate " defensive systems "still riserva.Tra remedies exist: ARNICA CMPOSITUM HEEL - a combination of specific substances to control the evolution of the process infiammatorio.LUFFA Compositum HELL - in case of allergic asthma GALPHIMIA Injeel - against seasonal allergy to pollen The information provided here is intended solely as basic information, a diagnosis do not replace individual and not want to be an incitement to self therapy. The use of homeopathy can sometimes lead to underdosing or discontinuation of traditional therapy, which puts at risk not be ignored .... The term "unofficial" means that they offer no scientific proof but does not determine their uselessness. But the fact remains that they are not guaranteed, nor in the efficacy or safety.
Remember that especially in case of an attack of asthma attack is always advisable to seek the assistance of your doctor or 118 units
OMEOPATIAFondatore of this discipline is the German Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) who, experimenting on himself above all the properties of cinchona bark and other substances such as arsenic, mercury and digital, is convinced of the validity of the now well-known principle: similia similibus curantur (like cures similar) Homeopathic medicine is a clinical system that uses micro doses of pharmaceutical substances derived from plants, minerals or animals in order to stimulate the natural healing response. indicated in acute bronchitis, asthmatic bronchitis, bronchial hypersecretion: Antimonium Tartaricum - Arsenicum ALB. 30 - CALI CARB. 30 - 30 IPEC
acupuncture Chinese tradition believes that there is a vital energy called "Ki", \u200b\u200bwhich circulates throughout the body by means of energy channels called "meridians." The disease is therefore seen as an excessive flow, a traffic jam or a shortage of such energy. The action dell'agopuntore is precisely directed to return it to its normal, in fact, emotions and bodies Interiors are closely related. 6-8 treatments needed were (carried out by a medical expert) to greatly improve the quality of breathing and diminish over time the attacks of the disease by reducing the intensity. FITOTERPIALa Phytotherapy is the method that uses plants or, more precisely its active part therapeutic purposes. The active ingredients of a medicinal plant those components are natural chemical composition giving it a therapeutic activity. For herbal medicine is defined as a therapeutic practice that makes use of medicines whose active substance is composed exclusively of a drug or a preparation plant. The active substances of plant stand to be complex mixtures of compounds Chemicals (phytocomplexes) and not by individual chemical compounds as in the case of the majority of drugs currently in use (drugs monolayers). Herbs recommended for those suffering from asthma are centonchio, echinacea, propolis, the horsetail, the 'infusion of pau d'arco, nettles (side effects), juniper berries, damiana infusion to calm nerves, licorice root, tablets, cinchona bark, the American elm, ephedra to dilate the bronchioles (tolerance levels increase with use) and forskolin (medicine) to dilate the bronchioles and prevent inflammation (but the effects are short lived and can cause cardiovascular problems). Thai Ginger has the same positive characteristics. La historia el'euforbia have expectorant qualities but can be toxic to the kidneys. The ginkgo is used for all lung diseases (the ginkgolide B is being studied for the treatment of asthma and other diseases), the lobelia is effective during an attack, the clover is an expectorant and Schisandra is an herb Chinese who acts as an astringent. Homotoxicology - CATALYTIC INTERMEDIATE I - I Nosodes - THE organotherapy SUISA - THE ALLEOPATICI OMEOPATIZZATI The etymology of the word homeopathy antiomotossica homotoxicology or means: a study of the effects of toxins on human subjects treated omeopaticoL'omotossicologia or Antiomotossica Homeopathy Homeopathy is a current, identify the factors toxic to humans (of exogenous or endogenous) the cause of the disease, clinical com'espressione interpreted the struggle of the organism against toxins, in order to neutralize and expel , taking care so naturally .. i antihomotoxic, that chemicals in appropriate dilution (to trigger the reverse effect) which, occurring in enzymatic reactions (which act as inducers), and the immune system, can activate " defensive systems "still riserva.Tra remedies exist: ARNICA CMPOSITUM HEEL - a combination of specific substances to control the evolution of the process infiammatorio.LUFFA Compositum HELL - in case of allergic asthma GALPHIMIA Injeel - against seasonal allergy to pollen The information provided here is intended solely as basic information, a diagnosis do not replace individual and not want to be an incitement to self therapy. The use of homeopathy can sometimes lead to underdosing or discontinuation of traditional therapy, which puts at risk not be ignored .... The term "unofficial" means that they offer no scientific proof but does not determine their uselessness. But the fact remains that they are not guaranteed, nor in the efficacy or safety.
Remember that especially in case of an attack of asthma attack is always advisable to seek the assistance of your doctor or 118 units
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