But let's order and unhurried above. Get comfortable that things will have happened in these two days, and as well Lukish said, is a story worth being told and heard. E 'right to inform you that I will take some freedom to dress with a hint of irony the story and entertain those who read better. Happy reading then!
So, it starts at 7 am on Saturday, July 3, of course, by then an already oppressive heat in the throat choking the breath to the people but compared to what we had to put up then you could compare that temperature to a balmy spring day . And ready way, the point littered with tents, sleeping bags, mattresses, but most changes gallons of beverages: the last thing I HJF Lukish and we have learned.
highway trip quiet, but for the variable pulotti before we pass on the right askance, then they motioned me to pull over and think to inspect the machine for good we were not even drug dealers. Control documents for both, and for me that I was the passenger, if I were Italian Romanian instead was a problem? Well here we close the controversy.
arrive on time at the campsite Forte Bazzera and set up the tent while we can admire the splendid panorama of planes arranged in a row to that other 200 meters from us. We leave the campsite to the park trust, or rather, the illusion that those planes will not be a problem. We are a few kilometers
dall'HJF we are taking a bus that leads us to target ... we had never done! Why is there, in my view, that we are drawn to him. The bad luck I say. A board of public transport in fact we welcome a man of about sixty, at first sight very pleasant and nice, but that turns out to be a crazy owl, stuff that not even the RAI commentators would be able to emulate a similar amount of evil eye. After asking us if we were going to the Festival begins with a tirade about the fact that the area is predisposed to bad weather, the tornado three years ago announced it was something simple (all articles about this show this thing) and that with the heat expected for the weekend, the probability of another tornado and / or time was very high. While doing the tirade suggests implicitly that we poor bastards we're going all'HJF we deserve the bad weather. Closes announcing I fainted at 3e10 Sunday afternoon and talking to another guy who would give birth in pain on the third day, during the performance of Black Eyed Peas. The squeeze of testicles are wasted for soothe gufata.
leave the shaman of trouble with its curses and finally enter the Parco San Giuliano. The atmosphere of the festival is the same as two years ago, friendly and jovial. Stand with music, games, various entertainment, the basketball court, soccer and volleyball, even a fucking decent tree to shelter a bit 'from the sun, the usual HJF, in fact.
The first day I was running smoothly, including a walk here and there, a nap and a lot of water ingested to combat the African heat. He arrived in less than no time now to hear the bands, I would say the real reason why it is all'HJF.
starts on Cards , a group that won the 2010 contest, and inaugurate the festival at large: energetic and not at all intimidated by the public already large enough, boasting a great performance and deserved applause from the several that are bestowed . Sung in Italian with beautiful lyrics and catchy, and with a remarkable juxtaposition of the rough voice of the singer and the female voice (the drummer), all mixed a grunge influence. Then they go on stage to Escape Plan De ; for them a very good performance, and heavily loaded with songs that push. Rounding out the trio of the Italian groups La Fame Di Camilla , except perhaps a bit 'but then quietly gone out to the large, mainly thanks to the wonderful voice of the singer. I recommend you look for something on the internet on all three bands because they deserve.
Then comes the moment of the pieces 90. Before the Stereophonics, really good live and with several catchy songs in the repertoire, or already heard a lot around ( Have A Nice Day and A Thousand Trees at all). Then comes the turn of Cranberries, they too deserve to be heard, even if far from the genres that we like, and their only flaw is the lack of personalities in the group and as rightly pointed out Luke is represented almost only by the singer Dolores O'Riordan. When they finish the Cranberries
we move away to catch his breath a little 'eating a sandwich and go to a quieter area where you enjoy the Main Event. Meanwhile the mosquitoes besiege us and the specter of fainting gufato by the shaman of the bus hanging over subscribed so that I feel obliged to beg dell'Autan a 35 year old MILF, sfegatatamente Inter to the point that before granting the anti-mosquito wants I ascertain that're a team acceptable. And 'obviously a crazy, with a beautiful body, however, and especially with the Autan. "Sampdoria", I reply, and she begins to jump to the enthusiastic shouts of "Pazziniiiiii" and gives me the much coveted spray. Next to her I discovered the presence of a boy of Bergamo, this Giancarlo, who also got there before me to beg the Autan and he too passed with flying colors because doriano like me. Incredible cases of life! Then this guy here turns out to be really nice, we chat a while 'before and during the concert, and finally, leaving his mobile number, he invited me to join the club Sampdoria to go to Bergamo to do some traveling with them. Meanwhile, the MILF jumps here and there showing off a breast redone obvious and distracting every male over 50 meters from the vision of the concert. I still do not know if she was happy for the concert or for the triple Inter ... mah!

finish well and finish the first day. We head a bit 'tried to exit but overall in decent condition, if not for a 1cm layer of sweat and dirt from various peel just arrived at the campsite. Outside the park shuttles waiting to take us each in his own way, of course, without a fucking billboard or other relevant information to those who must take them, fucking these shuttles. I ask a policeman what that leads to Fort Bazzera and he, very kind, merely to correct the pronunciation but not the coach tells me right: you, my dear alert, whoever you are, you're a big jerk. I tell you with my heart in hand (and if I could with a stick in your ass).
In one way or another, we arrive at the campsite, we wash away the rudo off, we do bleed a little 'by mosquitoes and, in a tent, tenderly close microscopic Lukish and I are preparing for a romantic night of camping.
And so was the end of the first day.
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