reported today a text written during the big delay of the train a couple of weeks ago, returning from Milan. For the record, it was a delay of 190 minutes. Enjoy the words of that crazy day.
"The lorry has arrived?
This is the question that everyone is doing on the train. Hath been heard the" push "characteristic of engagement of the drive train, but now half an hour has passed and here he has not done not even half a centimeter. We have more street (about 20cm, maybe less) when the driver has given up the brakes of the train, something like a Oretta ago.
But we order, we are stuck just outside Milan-San Giuliano near-about two and a half hours, dispersed into thin cosmic dell'interland Milan. What exactly happened to this train of pipe do not know ... perhaps has the most reliable theories batteries (I did not know that the trains go by batteries such as mobile phones, what a great innovation). Ah, you may have noticed an unusual use of the word "pipe". Yeah, I decided not to be vulgar or obscene in writing this blog, otherwise I do not know where I might end up. Better to be calm and use terms appropriate for all audiences, such as "pofferbacco", "Wow" and the evergreen "perdirindina.
"Let's see if it's loco!" Outside a commuter's desperate. I do not know how to do it, since we are literally walled up inside the train without even the possibility of using the bathrooms.
Someone (me and Quarry) begins to have hallucinations, and switches the lights on the outskirts of Milan for the coast of Lake Garda. After moving to 20cm, someone flipping and supports the view of Lake Como. We are mad.
careful, at 21:01 we move! As you can see's is a very dynamic, he built himself as the train makes its evolution inside the lattice of the tracks. I would pull off some spectacular and romantic image, comparing the train to a big spider web that covers a vast steel, but tonight is really difficult.
The amazing power (remember that drive was almost an hour to decide to leave after he attacked the train, for the "I will support but not push too much class") are looking for (the conditional is a must) to take us In Tavazzano.
extra stop. Why? Why the hell are still, acciderbolina? Managgia the puppets? Porca trout!
Perhaps we are now in Genoa, watching the lights from the window opaque. It looks like a port. There is nothing romantic about this.
time we left. The next stage will be Big Ben apparently. Stopped again. The time to write the 8 words of the preceding sentence. That is, you realize? We will have done 10 meters! How many meters are done by 8 words? It could be a new unit of measurement of speed (or space? Sorry, I struggle to connect). The meter in question. Put your copyright on this thing, going places.
Now, a clarification while I'm doing better in time I write I do not know to what extent, until I get to Tavazzano presume, or until I fall exhausted on the keyboard. Hunger begins with a bit gripped all, the proof is that we are dissecting every possible topic. At this moment the sights of Big Ben ... but how did we get here?
We speak of persons involved in this little drama. Then there's me, Al Cava, Fabri, the Silvia Salini, Garo, Sandro, the Ruling and Alice. Thank goodness we are many, at least you do not risk falling into depression and in turn held up the conversation a little fueling optimism. If not we probably would already have been murders, and the first without a doubt would be the employees of fantabulosi Trenitalia.
Now I turn, I wonder how it will end. "
How did it go? We arrived at the 22E40 Cremona around with the lineup that scored giust'appunto 190 (see photo). Not bad eh?

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