Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Genital Piercing Healing Colloidal Silver

MalasaƱa '

Doctors prescribed drugs in exchange for travel and mobile phones.
taken from The Republic of 05/07/2002
Rome. Just a signature, the green light to the right drug and the exchange ended with a handshake. The doctor thought to require "that" medicine and the pharmaceutical company gave her a computer, a phone, a trip disguised as a conference. The reconstruction of the Guardia di Finanza for some time been engaged in investigations and inspections. Starting point, a pharmaceutical company of international caliber, but in the viewfinder, there are six other companies and thousands of doctors across Italia.Da a tax audit in respect of the pharmaceutical company, the financiers have reconstructed motions for tens of millions of euro . That money, suspected to finance, could have been used for an activity known as comparaggio: unlawful agreements with doctors and veterinarians who agree to prescribe certain drugs in exchange for favors. Increasingly large and sophisticated system, say the financial police, who grew up an extensive network of sales representatives. Among the hypotheses, a link to another trading system, called co-marketing, in essence, holding the patent holder on an active, grants the right to market the drug, at the same price to small producers who, without the risk tripping over scandals, they can jump into the unscrupulous strategies market.Agogo 'investigation is not over. It may soon take the first complaints. Reading the accounts of enterprises were found representation expenses (travel and conferences) between 4.5 and 7% of turnover. For example, in twelve months a company has spent € 13 million only for the organization of congresses, another € 2 million just for the costs of representation, another € 5 million for travel. That very large sums, according to investigators, could hide favors and gifts to doctors friends. Contributions come from Germany where the investigation were 3500 suspects accused of doctors received kickbacks from a pharmaceutical company. "We are acquiring the names of doctors with the most appearances in the conference - said the General Vincent Suppa, operations head of yellow flames - and carrying out a screening of recipes and various reimbursements."

errors of doctors cause 90 deaths per day.
From "Il Corriere della Sera" and. on-line 17/09/2004
errors in medicine cause more victims of traffic accidents, and many of the infarct tumori.Si estimated that the 90 deaths a day in Italy for mistakes made by doctors, drug trade, incorrect dosages, oversights in the operating room. The data are quite varied, ranging between 14 000 (according to the Association of Anaesthetists) and 50 000 deaths (according Assinform, publisher of magazines in the field of risk in the health field) every year just in our country: 50% could have been avoided. And 320,000 people suffer damage at a cost of 1% of GDP, ten billion euro a year. On this bulletin will be compared heavy experts, doctors, representatives of institutions and patients during the first Consensus Conference on Risk Management in Health, September 23 at the headquarters of the Guardia di Finanza di Ostia to Rome. Objective, to establish the Centre on health risks and the national database of medical errors, yet absent in Italy.
SURVEY - 'interventions to contain the risks to health - says Cesare Cursi, Undersecretary of Health, during the presentation of the initiative - should address all areas where the error may occur during the clinical diagnosis, care and patient care. " An initial report on mistakes in hospital was built by the Technical Commission on Clinical Risk, established by the Ministry of Health. The largest number of mistakes you make in the operating room (32%), wards (28%), in the department 's emergency (22%) and surgery (18%). The four skills most at risk include orthopedics and traumatology (16.5%), oncology (13%), obstetrics and gynecology (10.8%) and general surgery (10.6%). In addition, the pending cases against doctors for alleged errors are between 15 000 and 12 000 a year, although it is estimated that 2 / 3 of the doctors are at the end assolti.La damages claim (according to Ania, the association representing companies insurance) amounted to € 2.4 billion a year. THE
reply - "No one can know with certainty how many cases this is just estimates - said Maurizio Maggiorotti, President dell'Amami, the association of doctors accused of malpractice (the so-called medical errors) unfairly, commenting on the data indicate that 90 deaths a day in Italy for errors - why all the complaints end up in the cauldron of murder and bodily harm, such as road deaths. The association has asked the presidents of the courts unnecessarily to extrapolate these data. " But here everything is hazy. Each type of claim for compensation following different paths, criminal, civil and other matters. "It is estimated - added Maggiorotti - that the 2 / 3 are implemented, according to a personal assessment by the judges. " Doubts sull'indagine are paradoxically also by Health Minister Girolamo Sirchia that his ministry was the promoter of the Observatory on health risks. Sirchia for estimates on medical errors are "exaggerated" Unfortunately the risk in medicine will never be zero, but with our commitment to become close to zero - said the Minister of Health - through management systems that ensure the quality of performance. However the errors are minor or serious but you can not transfer all the most serious cases ", those that can cause deaths

The case of Vioxx with the same number of tsunami victims.
Florence, January 4, 2005. Since 1999, the drug Vioxx would have made between 89mila and 139mila victims. And 'the findings from research developed by the FDA official David Graham americana.Certo that if we think of the tsunami in Southeast Asia and its growing more and more victims', the comparison and' easily done: as you go forward will have more 'information and the victims are growing. In the case of the tsunami, the tragedy, it took a few hours, while for the Vioxx appears to be five years. But both have the basic human error, greed 'human, the nearest human, and human right,' cause the animals were saved tsunami, and there seems that they should take Vioxx. Two circumstances that should cause us to reflect and raise the antennas more 'of what has been' we do every day. All the world 'mobilized for tsunami victims, but it is not' just for the victims of Vioxx. Count for less? We do not believe, but we note that only less spectacular, and even if the guilt of those responsible seem smaller and more 'that lie dormant in the tsunami, it seems to us not so': 139 000 139 000 victims, and the dead are all equal. This, for us, 'when we're trying to remember the way the class action before a court in Chicago (USA). Here, too, do not resurrect anyone, but we will and to compensate those who 'was a victim of this wicked policy pharmacology. Link to http://www.aduc.it/dyn/vioxx.html of our portal, there 'the application form to declare their willingness' to participate in this collective action is completely free, promoted in Italy from our associazione.Vincenzo Donvito, president Aduc
Vioxx would have caused nearly 28,000 heart attack deaths miocardicie improvviseA cardiac care medicine-Online.net


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