The Food Guide Pyramid in the Mediterranean diet
The Mediterranean food pyramid has been proposed by nutritionists Americans as an example of proper diet, has been placed at the base regular physical activity, as important as a balanced diet to ensure the achievement and maintenance of ideal weight, and indications concern the consumption daily, weekly or monthly food.
This pyramid is not really representative of the Mediterranean habits, such as vegetables are recommended daily and dried fruit, but has the advantage of associating physical activity as a key element in maintaining health. In addition, this pyramid puts a strong emphasis on animal fats, severely limiting their consumption and favoring the consumption of vegetable fats (olive oil, nuts) sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins.
The Mediterranean food pyramid has been proposed by nutritionists Americans as an example of proper diet, has been placed at the base regular physical activity, as important as a balanced diet to ensure the achievement and maintenance of ideal weight, and indications concern the consumption daily, weekly or monthly food.
This pyramid is not really representative of the Mediterranean habits, such as vegetables are recommended daily and dried fruit, but has the advantage of associating physical activity as a key element in maintaining health. In addition, this pyramid puts a strong emphasis on animal fats, severely limiting their consumption and favoring the consumption of vegetable fats (olive oil, nuts) sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins.
Weight Loss: A Battle lost?
Winning this fight is not as easy as they think the skinny!
is a war being fought on many fronts. Fasting in a hurry to lose unwanted pounds. The liquid diet they dissolve quickly. Some of them take off running. Walkers if they take away more slowly. Who calculates the calories you check carefully what they eat. Some resort to more drastic measures. Jaws were locked to those who could not resist in front of the food. Were carried out surgery to bypass certain sections of the digestive tract, sewing stomachs and pull out pieces of fat from fat deposits. With all these possibilities, the victory must be imminent. But not so
fast! The fat cells back defeats for the office. The pounds lost are shot, and often a few more. The tide of battle turns and the temporary successes were followed by disappointing failures. The fight drags on, discouragement arises and who had put on a diet, tired, ready to surrender. It should not. The road is long and bumpy, but the victory awaits the brave who persevere. Prepare yourself mentally to do and remember: the harder you struggle, the sweeter the victory. When engaged your battle against fat, you also need to arm yourselves with courage to retain the respect of yourself and a little 'self-respect. You may have to bear the insults and comments offensive in a society obsessed with thinness.
You must resist the landlord that thwarted urge you to eat what you should not. You have to survive the cruel prejudices of people who will be silenced by greed. The first you would fail with their care, and the latter, you prematurely judge based on outward appearances.
You have to ignore the simplistic statements of the uninformed: "If you do not eat too much, it would weigh too much!" They think it's a simple thing, but it is rather complicated. It is true that if you consume more calories than you burn, not fat. In many cases, however, not all calories are in the body burned. For various reasons many of them are stored in fat cells as fat. So those who are overweight are sometimes having to fight alone, except for supportive friends who are aware of the difficulties against which they fight. It can be truly enormous difficulties.
Before we go into examining the complexities of the fight we must answer this question: Do you need to lose weight? In some countries, thinness has become a fixation. Some slim to the point of being malnourished, or even arrive at the extremes of anorexia nervosa or bulimia. Instead of judging only based on weight, some scientists believe it is better to be guided by the percentage of body fat. For them, being overweight can be defined obesity as 20 to 25 percent of body weight is fat in men, and when, from 25 to 30 percent of body weight is fat in women.
Certainly the specific weights given in tables based on height and weight are not sufficient by themselves. A researcher says: "What the tables do not tell you, though, is that two people of equal weight and size may differ considerably in terms of obesity and general physical condition. Equal volume of lean tissue and muscle weighs more than fat, so weight alone is not a good criterion for determining the degree of health or fitness. " Safer driving - but still imperfect - are the tables based on age, sex and body type, and identifying various weights approximate acceptable, such as those on page 7.
Many assume that the fat cells (adipocytes these) things are very lazy, which are spread throughout the body and simply take up space, too much space! The fatty tissue (known as adipose tissue) is more than just a deposit of triglycerides (fats). About 95 percent of adipose tissue and fat down, but the remaining 5 percent is divided into structural material, blood and blood vessels, and living cells active in the metabolism of the body. These cells can be very greedy clinging to the nutrients in the blood circulating in capillaries scattered in adipose tissue and converted into fat. Certain hormones promote the synthesis of fat or its distribution in the form of fatty acids in the blood to meet the energy needs of the organism. To the despair of some, the fat cells instead of being lazy do the extraordinary!
was once thought that once that settled in the body, not the fat cells increase in number, but only in size. Subsequent research has shown that this is not the case. A scientific journal says: "The increased storage capacity of adipose tissue is obtained by first increasing the content of adipocytes of the fat deposits, triglycerides, and then, when all the existing fat cells are completely full, with the formation of new fat cells. " Adipocytes, when nearly empty, are very small, but as their fat increases, their diameter can increase tenfold, which means an increase in volume by a factor of about one thousand.
In the body there are certain fat deposits where fat tends to accumulate. In men, one of these deposits is at the waist. In women, the hips and thighs. Even if you lose weight, these points are the last to dwindle. Some researchers have found that fat cells have receptors on the surface of small molecules called alpha and beta. Alpha receptors stimulate the accumulation of fat, beta receptors promote the dissolution of fat. Those that stimulate the accumulation of fat are present mainly on the fat cells of the hips and thighs in women and men in the abdomen. One woman lost 15 percent body fat, but almost nothing on the hips and thighs. A man plummeted to his weight, but the belly was.
Lose weight by calculating the calories is not as easy as many think. Calories are not all equal. Take 100 calories in carbohydrates and store 77 in the form of body fat: 23 are burned for the digestion of carbohydrates. But 100 calories you take in a bit of butter and 97 of them will be stored the form of fat: they are consumed only three for the digestion. The reason: the dietary fat is chemically similar to the already fat, so it is accumulated as such much more easily. The calculation of calories is only one aspect of the matter. The source of those calories is important. At the same calorie, fatty foods make you fat and more carbohydrates are less nutritious. In one study, men with a supercharged high-carbohydrate regime adding 13 pounds in seven months, but men with a supercharged high-fat regime adding 13 pounds in three months.
diets lose pounds make cash more quickly, which often causes complications. In the 70 were encouraged liquid protein diets and by the end of 1977 were about 60 deaths attributed to them. It was believed that the immediate cause of many of these deaths had been the ventricular arrhythmia, that is rapid and irregular beating of the heart ventricles. The current liquid diets have been improved with the addition of not only protein but also of carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals. Nevertheless, these diets with very low energy intake that produce rapid weight loss, they still have certain disadvantages.
The drastic reduction of calories in the diets that make weight loss fast slows down the metabolism: the decline begins within 24 hours, and within two weeks your metabolism may slow down and 20 per cent. A doctor questioned about the low calorie liquid diet made this comment: "With so few calories your metabolism will slow down dramatically, and you will find to be irritable and tired. In addition, up to 70% of pounds lost in the long term affect muscle mass, not fat. " Those who follow a weight loss diet want to lose fat, not muscle. Muscle tissue is what burns more calories in the body. If you lose, you slow down your metabolic rate: the amount of energy it takes the body during normal functions, like respiration and cell repair. This requires approximately 60-75 percent of the energy consumed by the body.
This slowing of metabolism is often the reason that after several weeks of strict diet do not lose more weight. A woman, who by the age of 16 years had kept his weight under control by diet, with the birth of their first child increased by 11 pounds but lost them in a hurry, then with the birth of their second child increased by 22 pounds and not could lose them. He said: "At one point I was admitted to a clinic where they put me at 500 calories a day. I lost four pounds the first month, second month and no one within two months despite the fact that I followed carefully the program. When the amount of calories I could take was increased to 800 per day, I increased regularly a pound a week until I had regained 5 pounds I had lost so much work. What a disappointment! "
addition to a slower metabolism, the lipoprotein lipase, an enzyme that regulates the storage of fat, after a crash diet can become more active in accumulating fat. For both these reasons, when they begin to eat normally incorporate some of the pounds lost. In fact, most regain the lost pounds: 95 percent in the case of very obese and 66 percent in general. The pound recovered, however, are mostly fat, not muscle, which means reduced metabolism resulting in increased accumulation of fat. One researcher noted that
those who had lost weight in diets were recovered earlier and receiving more difficult to lose it again in subsequent diets. "It is possible that after repeated dieting is more difficult to lose weight?" He wondered. Experiments on rats were made obese. During the first diet, it took 21 days to lose excess weight and stopped the diet, 45 days to repurchase. In a second diet it took 46 days to lose and only 14 days to take it back: twice as long to lose and only one third to take it back!
the same thing happens to people? In the case of 111 patients who followed a low calorie diet, they lost an average of 1.4 pounds a week, but the second time that followed the same diet only lost 1 pound a week. Control tests carried out on two other groups confirmed these findings.
Many experts say that obesity is a disease, a genetic trait that is inherited, and that the body has a "set point", a kind of center of weight regulation, which may put the subject to be fat. But not all scientists agree with the theories on obesity. A publication (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences) says that overweight itself, whatever the cause, could result in changes in body chemistry: "The state of obesity, once instituted, can be stabilized by changes secondary metabolites generated by obesity itself. "
The publication just cited also challenges the theory of the "set point", providing "little evidence in support of either hypothesis." Among the causes of overweight are cited a gland disorders, particularly thyroid, which plays an important role in regulating metabolism. But some argue that its failure could be caused by excessive eating. Dr. Riggle of Texas says about it: "The thyroid gland regulates metabolism, as well as the pituitary gland. But we must remember that people who take bad eating habits to prevent these glands to receive the nutrients they need to manufacture their products. So the problems of a gland can be caused by a careless diet. "
The excess in eating is the reason pure and simple obesity, as many think, including some experts in the field: "For the majority of obese people, however, the accumulation of excess weight and adipose tissue is most likely index a long process and often insidious: excessive intake of calories, for a sufficient number of days, to an extent far greater than the number of those burnt for the job or muscle metabolism. (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1987, page 343) In so doing expose their health a very serious risk:
"Obesity may threaten health in various ways. May impair cardiac function which is the lung, change endocrine function and cause emotional problems. Hypertension, reduced ability to metabolize glucose, and hypercholesterolemia are more common among overweight people and between those of normal weight. Therefore not surprising that obesity may contribute to morbidity [disease state] and mortality in people with hypertension, stroke, diabetes mellitus or insulin-independent type II, some cancers and gallbladder disease. In the longer term, obesity is also considered a risk factor independent with regard to the nature of atherosclerotic heart disease. " - Journal of the American Medical Association, November 4, 1988, page 2547.
worry, right? And not just for big words. It is obvious that to lose weight you have to do battle, but we must win it. There are ways to achieve victory? HEIGHT-WEIGHT TABLES
Height Weight (kg) Men
H thin solid media
157 58-60 59-63 62-67 58-61 60-64 63-69 160
163 59-62 61-65 64-70 60-63 62-67 65-72
165 168 61-64 63-68 66-74 62-65 64-69 67-76
170 173 63-67 65 - 71 68-77 64-68 175
67-72 70-79 65-69 68-73 71-81
178 180 66-71 69-75 72-83 67-72 71-76 74-85
183 185 68-74 72-78 76-86
188 70-76 74-80 77-89 71-77 75-82 79-91
190 193 73-79 77-84 81-93
WOMEN 46-50 49-54 53-59 147 150
46-51 50-55 54-60 47-52 51-57 55-62
152 155 48-53 52-58 56-63 49-54 53-59 58-64
157 160 50-56 54-61
51-57 56-62 59-66 163 60-68 53-58 57-63 62-70
165 168 54-60 58-65 63-72 55-61 60-66 64-73
170 173 57 -63 61-67 66-75 58-64 63-69 67-76
175 178 59-65 64-70 68-78 61-67 65-72 70-79
180 183 62-68 67-73 71 -81
If I lost weight, anyone can lose weight!
hate your scale? I hated her. I remember that last year I watched with disgust the needle to indicate weight yet another record: almost 110 pounds. I said, 'most of the weight of the world heavyweight champion and more than many professional football players. The situation is not only ridiculous. It is becoming dangerous! '
Maybe you know someone who looks like me: an employee in his forties, a young man who did exercise occasionally, and now he starts to exercise, when it is not absorbed from reading the newspaper. Have high blood pressure, just below the limit of hypertension, cholesterol 'a bit "high, 20 pounds, and is still convinced that basically the situation is not so bad.
But the situation is serious. People like me are dying every day died of heart attacks, and many people have heart attacks. I could cite statistics on the risks per kilo more, but the problem is not statistics. The problem, let's face it, are the widows and orphans. They are the children, as my two children who grow up without his dad.
Think about it, you dad.
After deciding to lose weight, I recalled in particular the "four ways to win" the battle against fat. I had suggested four ways: (1) the right foods, (2) at the right time, (3) in the amount right, (4) with the right exercise.
These tips work! Following them are thinner than 30 pounds, and you can lose weight too. In doing so I learned some things that maybe will be useful.
Learn how to lose weight from head
Almost all of us who are overweight are fattened slowly, a few pounds a year, and probably we began to put on the stomach when we were in their thirties. From time to time we went on a diet and lost a few pounds, but then we recovered with interest. When this happened to me, I felt a sense of quiet resignation, as if to say 'I can not do anything, so why groped?'
To break this vicious circle of quiet resignation should begin to lose weight but not from the belly from the head, changing his way of thinking in relation to food. It may take a bit 'of raw realism, but without this diet is likely to fail from the start.
In my case, for one week write down everything I ate and drank was a revelatory experience. It was true that eating light meals at mealtimes, but the interminable evening snacks scupper all that I had won mastered during the day. When I count the calories of cheese, nuts, peanut butter and biscuits, which devoured after dinner, I was stunned. Worse yet, those meals were high in fat and sugar. In my case, no diet would work if I had not removed the evening snacks. This tells you something? The subsequent discovery
painful was that I would never have lost weight permanently unless I removed all alcohol from my diet. Not only is alcohol high in calories and is easily converted into fat, but a glass of wine in the evening is enough to take my strength of will I need to resist the temptation to snack. A glass of wine is not just a glass of wine. For me it also means six biscuits and a handful of nuts! I have found that herbal teas may be some good alternatives. Now, even after having reached the weight I set for myself, I drink less alcohol than before. These honest
considerations have convinced me of the goodness of two strict rules to follow during the weight-loss diet:
1. Avoid all snacks in the evening.
2. Avoid all alcohol.
Discover your anti-diet foods!
It is said that appetite comes with eating. For many of us it really is. Maybe when we sit at the table in front of our favorite dish we have not hungry, but as soon as we begin to eat into us taking some mechanism, and suddenly there is a hungry wolf. So there we stuff until we have killed off all or until after the fourth portion, our aching stomach begs for mercy. What happened?
In my case the problem was the bread, especially that done at home. My patient wife, who makes a delicious bread for a certain period of time had to stop doing that. Can you resist the temptation only to a certain point! Maybe your Achilles heel is the chocolate, or something else. The important thing is to identify the enemy. Make a list of foods that will whet your appetite and avoid them. The alternatives are not lacking. I have found that salads and steamed vegetables I like and I satiate without triggering in me the irresistible desire to continue eating.
past the critical point
yo-yo diets where you lose the pounds only to recover soon, are a trap for fools and only serve to enrich the diets of drug dealers, who in most developed Western countries are very numerous. Having already done my share of yo-yo dieting, I was determined not to fall into the same error. But how?
not be ashamed to ask for help. Talk to your doctor. Find someone who will praise you and gratify week after week as you lose your excess weight. This can be a friend who is also on a diet, a family member or staff of a clinic where you make decent slimming treatments. The cooperation and support you receive will help to overcome the critical point, the point where in the past your efforts to lose weight you are stuck. At this point you will feel better, and the others will start to compliment you on your appearance. From this moment on the psychological factors play in your favor instead of against you.
Another key element to overcome the critical point is to have a diet that is reasonable and that you may not feel hungry or killed. I found that the best dietary advice I received did not repeat that, with few changes, what he said that issue of Awake! 22 May 1989 in respect of the right foods. My weight loss diet consists of oatmeal or other cereal with low-fat diet or a muffin with half a grapefruit for breakfast, a hearty salad with a dressing low-fat lunch and steamed vegetables for dinner with lean meat, without bread or dessert. With its 1200-1500 calories a day, is a strict diet but nothing draconian. An apple is a convenient snack at mid-day, and on the rare occasions when I can not ignore the hunger pangs should always turn to one of my secret weapons, a great saving secret diet that is well know too.
Secret Weapons
What is this secret? It is a substance that is beneficial to health, satisfied almost instantly, contains no calories and costs very little: water! It's amazing what they can do six eight glasses of water a day to help you succeed in your diet. Once the body learns that you are determined to satisfy the hunger pangs with a glass of water, these bites are starting to fade. It was mainly the water to allow me to overcome my ingrained habit of evening snack.
Another secret weapon to control your weight over time is the exercise done on a regular basis. Of course, we all heard that exercise helps to lose weight, so what's the secret? In this case, is the enormous psychological stimulus that comes from feeling better and by having a better appearance. This pays plenty of waiver of any foods. It helps you to move forward, without feeling jealous when everyone else eat the chocolate mousse and you eat grapes.
Diet and exercise complement each other perfectly. Losing weight does not necessarily mean look sickly. Doing exercises on a regular basis you'll have a beautiful complexion and tone up your muscles. Indeed, in my case the more compact of the muscle has given others the impression that he was losing weight faster than it really was happening! I found that I needed both sports to practice in the company of someone else, such as tennis, which exercises I could do alone at any time, such as those with weights. Just as exercise body made it look better diet, diet made it seem more effective exercise by making short muscles that had remained hidden under ten years of wilting. When I came down from 110 pounds to 80, sometimes it happened that I could not wait to workout along with some healthy adolescents in the area to see if they could keep my pace! If you are overweight
long as it was not me, maybe you're used to feel overwhelmed and tired when you get up in the morning, dragging slowly during the day and doze off in the armchair in the evening. Wore 20 or 30 pounds heavier as you go around with a ball and chain! Did not remember how it feels to jump out bed in the morning eager to get up, ready to face the day full of energy. Now I know.
A war that never ends
reach the weight that you had set ourselves is like winning a long battle. But even if that first battle is over, the real war has just begun. The middle-aged people like me who have a sedentary job should always be careful about what they eat if they want to regain those extra pounds that have lost so much work. The secret is to consider the diet as a company that lasts a lifetime. Maybe a weight loss program will go to a maintenance, but you never cease to be on a diet. Return to previous eating habits also means going to be overweight.
Once you reach the desired weight, why not award includes some new clothes? So you think the opportunity to get rid of old clothes. Keep those old clothes and sagging 'because you never know' is as doomed to failure. Wear clothes that are not too large, and they will advise you immediately if the cm side will begin to return. Although the maintenance diet is more varied than weight loss, from now on always choose foods low in fat and sugar. And do not cease to do physical exercise is key to feeling good.
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