This is particularly frightening that many victims are young, around 30, 40 and 50 years. They often have essentially the heart healthy. Why die? What's wrong?
Cause of the problem
The cause of the problem is that the heart muscle does not receive a sufficient amount of blood. 'How is that possible?' ask. 'The heart is nestled in the blood? Do not cross it every day tons of blood? ' Yes
To understand the nature of the problem, we must know something about the functioning of the heart. Cable is a muscle with four chambers, the right atrium and right ventricle, left atrium and left ventricle. The oxygenated blood from the lungs flows into the left atrium and the right atrium fills blood load of carbon dioxide from the body. When the atria contract, blood is pushed through valves into the ventricles. Then place the main pumping action of the heart. The ventricles contract forcefully, simultaneously sending oxygenated blood to various parts of the body through the aorta and the oxygen-poor blood to the lungs through the pulmonary artery.
As blood passes through these cavities, the heart muscle itself does not make use of this vital fluid. You may make a comparison with a truck carrying diesel fuel. The truck is powered by diesel fuel delivery to customers. Rather, it is powered by the fuel is supplied to the stations service. This fuel is sent to the truck engine through the feed tube.
Similarly, it is the blood that passes through the cavities of the heart to nourish the heart. No, rather it is to feed it the blood that is pumped from the heart and that you will return by another route. The key to the problem of heart attacks is in these 'power lines' or paths followed by the blood to feed the heart.
From the heart blood is pumped into the main artery in the body, the aorta. However, almost immediately, much of this blood is sent to the two coronary arteries. In this way the oxygen and nutrients are transported chemicals in all parts this very important muscle in the body. So what happens if the coronary artery blood flow is obstructed?
obstruction of the coronary arteries

This gives you an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat happens in the heart of millions of people. The coronary arteries get narrower as a result of the accumulation of fatty deposits. This condition is called atherosclerosis. What happens then, when the heart needs more blood to deal with any sudden physical or emotional needs?
Even when a small part of the heart is temporarily bloodless, electrical phenomena may be disturbed in some way, upsetting the rhythm of the pulse. Then occurs what is called ventricular fibrillation, an unusual and serious complication in which the heart contracts in a haphazard and ineffective, and stop failing the driving force. It follows the death within minutes if not resume pumping properly.
Heart attacks are also often caused by a clot or thrombus in a coronary artery. Atherosclerosis does not cause a uniform narrowing of blood vessels. Rather, along the blood vessel deposits accumulate in parts, while the diameter of the rest of the vessel may be normal. Then a clot forms in a narrow vessel, blocking blood flow to part of the heart muscle. This blockage of a blood vessel in the heart is called coronary thrombosis or coronary occlusion. The result of the obstruction is called a myocardial infarction, a heart attack.
How can I tell if it is a heart attack?
In many cases it is difficult to recognize a heart attack. In fact, heart specialists estimate that perhaps 20 percent of initial attacks take place without the victim realizing it. This is because a blood vessel of the heart is closed gradually over a period of weeks or months, rather than all at once.
addition, symptoms may not be recognized as those of a heart attack. For example, can be mistaken for a strong indigestion. There may also be vomiting, along with fatigue and ashen appearance. Other clues may be sweating and shortness of breath. The most common symptom of heart attack, however, is a feeling of discomfort, pressure or fullness in the center Chest. Or you feel a strong pain in the chest, almost sure sign of a heart attack. Many
after a heart attack, live a long and full life, perhaps even without having been noticed of him. On the other hand, a light attack that damages the heart in any way may give rise to ventricular fibrillation, and the victim may lose consciousness and die within a few minutes. But you could save it, knowing what to do.
- To save heart attack victims
Many whose heart had stopped for five minutes are now in good physical condition and able to do everything they did before the failure. A save was the prompt action of those who were in the vicinity. They knew what to do. And you? You could save a life?
is not as difficult as you might think. In certain places open to the public courses are being taught in the very effective method of cardiopulmonary resuscitation can save lives. It consists of a combination of external cardiac massage and artificial respiration. If you have the opportunity, follow such a course. However, considering the instructions provided here, you may be able to save someone's life has been affected by heart attack, perhaps a loved one.
If you see someone suffering from collapse, you have to take some preliminary steps before beginning the resuscitation cardiopulmonary bypass. But you must act quickly, because the unconscious person can live only four to six minutes without breathing.
First see if you really fainted. It would be embarrassing groped to save someone's life that is only sleeping! So gently shake the shoulder of the person and ask, "How are you?" If you do not respond, check to see if it breathes, because it may be only a faint. Put your ear to his mouth, his face turned toward his chest. If you breathe, you should be able to feel the breath in your ear, and perhaps see the chest that moves.
If there is no sign of breathing, it is important to open his airway. When someone loses consciousness in Sometimes the tongue slips down the throat, so this important opening through which air reaches the lungs is obstructed. Maybe all you need to wake up breathing is to free the airway, and this usually is not difficult.
lay on his back unconscious person, one hand gently lift the neck. So head fall back, by lengthening the neck. Place your other hand on the forehead and push your head back until it goes away. You will be surprised by noting how far the head stretching his neck to the maximum. Without this, the chin is almost vertically upwards, and the top of the head will be supported for land. In this position the jaw and tongue are pulled forward and the opening of the throat is free.
If after doing this quickly is not reactivated breathing, begin artificial respiration immediately. Using the hand that is resting on the forehead of the victim, close to the nose, while holding both the palm of the hand because the head remains tilted. Hold your other hand under the neck of the victim (or under the chin), pushing up. So open wide your mouth and place it directly on the victim's mouth, and make four quick breaths and complete in quick succession. You will see sollevarlesi the chest as the lungs expand.
Subsequently, quickly check the pulse of the victim, to see if the heart beats. The best place to find the pulse is the carotid artery, the main artery of the neck. To find it, remove your hand from behind his neck and slide the index and middle fingers in the groove next to the larynx. If you do not feel the pulse, the heart has stopped and, in addition to ventilation, you must also provide for the artificial circulation if you want to save the victim. -
artificial circulation can be achieved with the a closed chest cardiac massage. It is a relatively simple method is to compress the chest. These compressions actually push the heart to pump blood. Many times the heart begins to beat in this way alone. But, of course, we must also continue to supply oxygen because the blood circulation is useless if it does not take oxygen from the lungs.
Therefore, the rescuer should make the victim the vital function of breathing and simultaneously make his heart pump blood. Even if the heart begins to beat on its own, if you can cardiopulmonary resuscitation until the arrival of the ambulance, the victim may be saved. There have been cases in which breathing and blood circulation were artificially activated for hours before the body of the victim to start again to perform these functions.
In addition to being ready to assist the victims of heart attacks, what else can we do? You can prevent, or at least slow down the accumulation of deposits in the arteries, the main cause of heart attacks?
is recognized in general that cholesterol and fats (glycerides) in some way contribute to the formation of these deposits. It only makes sense to look after their diet and avoid putting on weight too, because if there is visible fat this probably means that the body accumulate fat in the arteries, restricting dangerously. It may also be advisable to limit or avoid consumption of foods fried in animal fat. At the same time you eat plenty of nutrients vegetables, fruits, melons and cereals.
The current pace of life accelerated and stressful, it seems to be another factor that enhances the formation of fatty deposits in arteries. Given that those who relentlessly tries to do too much in too short a time is prone to heart attacks, you want to avoid this constant sense of urgency.
Another important thing to counter the disastrous effects of the accumulation of fat in the arteries is to do enough exercise. In fact, Dr.. Wilhelm Raab, director of Cardiovascular Research at the University of Vermont, said: "Lack of exercise is the major cause of coronary heart disease" . Why?
As we know, the heart is a muscle, and muscles weaken when they are not exercised enough. In fact, it affected the entire circulatory system. The arteries that carry blood to the muscles shrink and many small vessels even disappear. On the other hand, regular exercise does thicken the arteries, thus carrying more blood. Furthermore, in muscle tissue is more open blood vessels, opening up new ways of sending more oxygen, thereby reducing the possibility of a heart attack.
Regular physical activity also strengthens the pumping action of the heart. Therefore it takes less beats to make the same amount of work. So a heart in good physical condition should attempt in the event of sudden need a heart that is not in shape. To protect your heart, make a habit of getting regular exercise. A doctor said: "walks briskly, from youth on, in and of themselves dramatically reduce disability and premature deaths from coronary heart disease."
But not all heart disease is caused by an accumulation of fat that restricts the inside of the coronary arteries. The cause of some heart disease is the malfunctioning of the heart's electrical system. Heart block
As already mentioned, the heart has a complicated system of special cells that initiate and conduct electrical impulses throughout the heart to do it beat rhythmically. Heart block occurs when there is something wrong with the transmission of these electrical impulses. The impulses are not transmitted properly, pumping action of the heart suffers.
There are different degrees of heart block. A partial blockage can cause only a delay in the transmission of impulses, without causing any particular abnormality in the functioning of the heart. But it can be a serious disorder. The transmission of impulses from the atria to the ventricles can be completely blocked, so the heart chambers beat independently of each other. The result is a pulse ineffective that do not provide an adequate flow of blood. If heart block persists, and the flow of blood is too inadequate, it may die.
Today, however, thousands of people who probably would have died years ago are still alive, and lead an almost normal life. This is due to the pacemaker, artificial cardiac pacing equipment. The first patients were entered into in 1960. They have been so successful that literally hundreds of thousands of people have this peace-maker in his own body. The following story about the enormous changes that a peace-maker has produced in a man's life will be both instructive encouraging. -
term "heart attack" means that part of tissue that has died for the blood flow ceased, "my" refers to muscle, and "infarction" to heart. -
How exactly should practice cardiopulmonary resuscitation? Order a brochure of the American Heart gives the following concise instructions:
" Kneel beside the victim near his chest. Find the lowest part of the sternum.... Place the palm of a hand from 2.5 to 4 centimeters [that on] one bit. Put your other hand over that. Take care to keep your fingers loose from the chest wall. Perhaps there is more easily done if you interlace your fingers.
"As you squeeze, the course weight of your shoulders directly above the sternum of the victim, keeping your arms straight. If the victim is an adult, compress the sternum by about 4 or 5 cm. Each compression should be immediately followed by a relaxation, of the same duration. A rhythmic oscillating movement helps ensure the appropriate duration of the release cycle. Remember not to take your hands off the sternum of the victim when you leave your chest return to its normal position between the other compression.
"If you are the only rescuer, you need to ensure that both the respiration to cardiac massage. The correct ratio is 15 compressions every two quick breaths. You have to compress the chest at a rate of 80 times per minute if you work alone since you have to interrupt you to practice these inflations.
"If you can avail yourself of the aid of another rescuer, put one on each side of the victim. One will take care of breathing, un'insufflazione every five chest compressions. The other, compressing the chest, and carry 60 compressions per minute" .
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