Year 100 dA (after the verdict of God)
I had my eyes closed ... But I felt strong the sun's warmth on my eyelids and the light that penetrated powerfully.
could hear the birds singing, I wanted to throw open their eyes, but could not, as they were atrophied. I do not know it was the first time in my life that my body could feel the flow High blood flowing in his veins and the heart that pumps it.
Suddenly someone shook my hand it was as if I could not get up yet ... I felt as if dreaming about my mother's voice calling me by name, "Samuel, Samuel ... Are you awake?"
was how he managed to open their eyes and see the rays of the sun letting his way through the thick vegetation that covered a blue sky, which gave glimpses ...
Then my mother's face ... In tears ... The trembling hand ... The shrill voice ... I started to sweat, I did not remember anything. What had happened to me?
The last image I had in mind was that of a hard braking, then the black-out complete ... And now ... The light!
"Mom what happened?
But my mom's face was bathed in tears and instead of answering me he fell on his neck, sobbing, almost seemed out of breath ...
"Mom, Mom, calm down, are you okay?"
"How can I get better," was answering trembling, "This is the Day of Resurrection, my son and you're back from the dead!"
"Nonsense, mother!" I was angry. "Even with this story of the resurrection? ... I want to understand whether or not I do not believe?", And as I spoke my brother approached petting a lion ...

"Marco! Marco! To give up on the beast!" But he casually caressed him, and the lion licked her hand. As they approached, I got up to withdraw, but a hand on my shoulder stopped me ... I turned ... MY FATHER! ...
"Daddy what are you doing here you are dead for twenty years !"...
"I was dead son, God has risen!"
So it was that I fell on my knees with hands and shouting "Wake up! Wake up !"... But when I began to feel the swelling on my cheeks blush and beatings, bent his head defeated ... Him up ... holding on to a tree, I bent in two, I was wrong ...
I had been raised by the God in whom I had never believed - Job 33:27-30, Acts 00:15
Signed by all those who do not believe in the wonderful promises of the Holy Bible.
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