The first impact with the world
children at birth are found suddenly in a cold and inhospitable world, a world full of stress. Being so small they can not express in words how they feel, but some scientists believe that before birth the fetus is aware of what is happening.
The book The Secret Life before birth says: "We now know that the unborn child is a human being aware and able to react, that from the sixth month onwards (and maybe even before) has an active emotional life. " Even if the child will not remember the traumatic experience of childbirth, some scientists question whether this has no influence on his adult life. After the birth
stress continues. Out of the womb the baby no longer receives nourishment automatically. The umbilical cord, carrying oxygen and nutrients, is no more. To survive, the child must begin to breathe and to take the nutrients on their own. He needs someone to feed him and meets his other physical needs.
The baby also needs to develop mentally, emotionally and spiritually. So someone has to take care of him. Who is best placed to do this? What needs to receive the baby from the parents? How these needs can be met at your best?
desires and needs of children
since birth the baby needs tender care, including strokes and skin contact. Some doctors believe that the first 12 hours after birth are crucial. They say that immediately after giving birth what the mother and child are most in need and desire is not "neither sleep nor food, but to touch and cuddle, look and listen." - TR Verny and J. Kelly, op. cit., p. 94.
Parents rise, embrace, caress and pamper their child instinctively. Little in turn becomes attached to parents and responding to their attention. This bond is so strong that parents will make sacrifices for continuous care for their child.
On the other hand, if it lacks this bond of love the baby could literally waste away and die. So some doctors believe it is important that the child be given to the mother immediately after birth. According to their mother and baby should stay together for at least 30-60 minutes.
Despite the importance that some damage to the bond between mother and infant, some hospitals in the early contact can be difficult, if not impossible. Often infants are separated from the mother to protect them from the danger of infection. Some studies, however, indicate that the rate of fatal infections may even fall when the babies are with their mother. Thus, more and more hospitals are in favor of allowing a longer early contact between the two.
Concerns about the link between mother and child
Even when a mother's love is not immediate, it can develop fully later. A mother expert notes: "Nothing that happens at birth is crucial so as to determine by itself, for good or ill, your relationship with the child." However, if you are expecting a baby and fears, it might be wise to talk about it in advance with the obstetrician. Express your wishes clearly, explaining when and how long you want to interact with the baby.
"Talk to me!"
seems that there are certain time periods in which children are particularly sensitive to specific stimuli. After a while 'those periods end. For example, children learn a language with ease, and even more than one. But it seems that the period in which the mind is more receptive to learning languages \u200b\u200bcoming to an end around five years.
After the child has reached 12-14 years, learning a language can be a challenge. According to Peter Huttenlocher, an expert in pediatric neurology at that age, "the density and the number of synapses in the brain areas responsible for language decline." It is clear that the first years of life are key to developing the ability to speak a language.
How do children succeed in learning to speak, which is so important for the rest of cognitive development? Mainly due to verbal interactions with parents. The children in particular respond to stimuli from other human beings. "The baby. . . mimics the mother's voice, "says Barry Arons, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Interestingly, however, that babies do not imitate all the sounds. As observed by Arons, the baby does not play the creaking of the cradle that simultaneously feels the mother's voice. "
Parents of different cultures communicate with their children using all the same way rhythmic talk that some call "genitorese. When the mother or the father speak so affectionate, the baby's heart beat faster. It is believed that this helps the child to relate the words with the objects associated with them. Without a word the child says, "Talk to me!"
"Look at me!"
has been shown that approximately the first year of life the child develops an emotional attachment with the adult who takes care of him, usually the mother. If the child feels secure in this relationship, has less difficulty in dealing with others than children who do not have a close relationship with the parent. It is believed that this bond with the mother must first establish the three years.
What can happen if the baby is neglected during this crucial period in which his mind is highly receptive to external influences? Martha Farrell Erickson, who followed 267 mothers and their children for over 20 years, expressed this opinion: "The child who is neglected is slowly but surely sapped the spirit until you feel the desire to establish a relationship with others or explore the world. "
To explain what you think about the serious consequences that result from neglecting the emotional needs of the newborn, Dr. Bruce Perry of Texas Children's Hospital says: "If you asked me to take a child to choose between six months and break all the bones on an emotional level or ignore it for two months, I would say that the child would be better that we break all the bones. " Why? According to Perry, "the bones are back together, but if the baby's brain is not stimulated for two months at a time so critical, will always remain disorganized." Not all believe that this damage is irreparable. However, scientific studies indicate that an environment that meets the emotional needs is essential to the child's mind.
"In short," says the book, babies "are ready to love and be loved. " (Infants) When a baby is crying, often is begging her parents to watch it. It is important that parents react affectionate. Through these interactions, the infant becomes aware that it is able to make known their needs to others. He is learning to forge relationships.
'It's not that spoil the child?'
"Indeed," said Erickson, "the children who received attention promptly and consistently, especially during the first 6-8 months of life, cry less than babies who were ignored when they cried. " It is also important to vary the way you respond to the baby's crying. If you react in the same way, eg by feeding it or taking it in her arms, the child may become very spoiled. It can sometimes be enough to respond to her crying saying something. Or it can be effectively go near him and talk softly to your ear. It might even be enough to touch her back or tummy with your hand.
"Crying is the job of the child," they say in the East. For the baby crying is the primary way to communicate what wants. How would you feel if you were ignored every time I ask something? How then should feel your baby, so helpless if there is someone who cares for him, if trascuraste whenever he wants attention? But who should take care of him when he cries?
"Silent Children"
Some doctors say that in Japan are increasing cases of children who do not cry and laugh. The pediatrician Satoshi Yanagisawa calls them "children quiet." Why kids are no longer express their emotions? Some doctors believe that the problem occurs because they lose contact with their parents. They call it apathy forced. According a theory, if the need to communicate is constantly ignored or misunderstood in the end the kids cut themselves.
If the child is not given the appropriate stimulation at the right time, the part of his brain that put him in a position to understand others may not develop, says Bruce Perry, chief of psychiatry at Children's Hospital of Texas. If the emotional needs of children are being neglected so far, their capacity for empathy can go irretrievably lost. Perry believes that in some cases the use of drugs, alcohol abuse or violence by adolescents could be linked to these early life experiences.
The bond between parent and child grows stronger as the two communicate
Who should take the child?
According to a survey done recently in the United States from birth through third grade, 54 percent of children are regularly cared for by people who are not parents. Perhaps many families need two entrances to get to the end of the month. And many mothers bring into motherhood for a few weeks or months, if possible, to take care of their child. But who will take care of the child later?
Of course there are no fast rules for making those decisions. However, remember that your child is still vulnerable during this important period of his life. Parents would do well to seriously consider the whole thing. To decide what to do should carefully consider the alternatives.
"It is becoming increasingly clear that to let our children grow up to be child-care facilities, even the best there is, does not replace the time when children need from their father and mother," said Joseph Zanga , the American Academy of Pediatrics. Some experts have expressed concern that the children entrusted to the kindergartens and nurseries do not have the opportunity to interact with those who take care of them insofar as they need it.
Some working mothers, aware of the basic needs of their child, have preferred to remain at home rather than leaving it up to others to take care of their children on an emotional level. One woman said: "I was rewarded with a satisfaction that I honestly believe that no other job could give me." Of course, economic pressures do not allow all mothers to do this kind of choice. Many parents have no alternative but to use childcare facilities, so make an extra effort to give the child attention and affection when they are together. Similarly, many single parents who work, while having little choice in this respect, are exceptional efforts to raise their children and have excellent results. Parenting can be
a joyful and exciting task. But it is also difficult and demanding. How can you succeed?
Provide children what they need
What went wrong? The problem may be attributed, at least in part, because that you underestimate the importance of giving attention to the smallest? "We all need to learn how to become parents," says a psychologist who helps mothers with low incomes to learn how to take care of their child. "And we need to understand that we will be abundantly repaid the time we spend time with our children."
Even the smallest need of regular education. Not just a few minutes here and there should be regular throughout the day. The time spent with children from infancy on, is essential to grow well.
must prepare
order to fulfill their responsibilities seriously, Parents need to prepare for the arrival of their baby. They could be a useful principle that Jesus Christ pointed to the importance of talking planned in advance. He said: "Who among you wants to build a tower does not first sit down and make does not calculate the cost?" Raising children is often called a company twenty years, and is much more complicated than building a tower. So it is necessary to raise a child, so to speak, a project.
First, it is important to prepare mentally and spiritually for the responsibilities that accompany parenthood. According to a study done on 2,000 pregnant women in Germany, children of mothers who did not forward to having a family were more healthy, emotionally and physically, than those of mothers who do not want children. On the other hand, one researcher has estimated that the woman trapped in a stormy marriage runs a risk of 237 per cent bigger than having a child with emotional or physical problems in relation to the woman who has a secure marriage.
is clear, therefore, that the father plays an important role because the child will grow well. Dr. Thomas Verny noted: "Few things are more dangerous to the physical and mental wellbeing of the child of a father who neglected or abused his wife during pregnancy. (Op. cit., P. 27) Indeed it is often said that the best gift a child can receive is to hear that the mother is loved by his father.
hormones related to anxiety and stress in the mother's bloodstream can affect the fetus. However it is believed that only the intense and prolonged anxiety is not dangerous to the fetus and negative emotions sporadic or individual stressful events. It seems that the most important thing is what he feels for the woman the child in her womb.
What if your husband are expecting a baby but do not support you, or if you do not like the idea of \u200b\u200bbecoming a mother? It is not unusual circumstances that lead a woman to feel depressed because of pregnancy. Always remember, however, that your child has no guilt. How can you, therefore, maintain a calm attitude despite the adverse circumstances?
The wise counsel of the Bible, have helped millions of people. It reads: "In everything let your requests be made known to God by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, and the peace of God that excels all thought will guard your hearts and your mental faculties through Christ Jesus." You will be surprised to find out to what extent, applying this suggestion in your life, you will be helped to follow the advice: "Do not be anxious about anything." You will feel the loving hand of the Creator, who is able to take care of you.
It is not an unusual experience
In the first weeks after birth, some young mothers are an inexplicable sadness and feel apathetic. Even women who were glad to have a child may become sad. These mood swings are not unusual, since hormone levels after childbirth can have huge swings. It is also normal for a mother beginners feel overwhelmed by all that motherhood entails: breastfeeding, changing diapers and taking care of a child who has no timetable.
A mother had come to believe that her baby was crying just to harass her. Not surprisingly, an expert on Japanese education has said: "Nobody can avoid stress that comes from raising a child. " According to this specialist, "the mother the most important thing is not to isolate ever."
Although sometimes had to feel depressed, the mother can ensure that your child is not affected by his mood swings. Time magazine explained: 'Among the mothers who suffered from depression, those who managed to win the melancholy, filling their children's attention and engaging in fun games, children of nature were much more cheerful'.
What can the father
The father is often in the best position to give help and support they need. When the baby cries in the middle of the night, in many cases the father might think to look after the child so as to allow his wife to sleep.
Jesus Christ has given to husbands the perfect example. Even gave his life for his followers. So the husbands who sacrifice their comforts and take steps to look after the children are imitating Christ. In fact, raising a child is a company in two, an effort that must involve both parents.
A joint effort
"My wife and I have agreed in detail how to raise our daughter," said Yoichiro, who has a child of two years. "Whenever a problem arises, we reason together to see how to deal with. " Yoichiro realizes that his wife needs to rest and often takes his daughter with him when he leaves to attend to some business.
In the past, when families usually were numerous and united, they could count on parents of older children and their families to look after the children. So no surprise that a woman who works at a pediatric clinic in Kawasaki, Japan, has said: "In most cases the mothers will feel relieved when talking to other problems they face in raising children. Many mothers receive very little aid was enough to be able to succeed despite the obstacles. "
The Parents magazine says that parents "need to have several people you can call to talk about their concerns." Where can you find? Those who have just had a baby can benefit from being open-minded and listening to their parents and in-laws. Of course, the grandparents should recognize that the final decision rests with the young couple.
Parents, of course, need to be selective when listening to the opinions of others. "Suddenly all the people around us became experts in educating children," says Yoichiro. His wife, Takako, admits: "Initially when people gave me advice I am annoyed because I had the impression criticizing my lack of experience as a mother. " Yet, drawing from each other many husbands and many wives have been helped to have a balanced concept with respect to providing children what they need.
The best help that there is
He who knows best course of all is God. For example, some 3,500 years ago Moses, a prophet of God, wrote: "You must love God with all thy heart and with all your soul and with all your vital force." Then he added: "These words which I command you today shall be in thine heart, and you must inculcate in your child and talk about them when you sit in your house and when you walk the road and when you lie down and when you get "What do you think the meaning of this council of the Word of God? Is not that one must educate the children on a regular basis, day after day? It really is not enough to program them with their children from time to time the so-called "quality time". Since the important moments of communication are often spontaneous and unpredictable, it is necessary that you present in your children's lives. This will help you to follow the command: "Train up a boy according to the road for him."
'Train' good little children also means reading them aloud. Timothy, a disciple of the first century, 'he had known the sacred writings from childhood '. It is clear that when he was still a baby his mother Eunice and grandmother Lois's read aloud. It is good that you begin to do this as soon as you start talking to your child.
What if a mother feels deep sadness and a sense of despair and also feels detached from her child and the world? May suffer from postpartum depression.
I won the battle with postpartum depression
I remember watching my husband play happily with our new baby and thought that they would be happier without me. I felt I was becoming a burden to them. I wanted to take the car, leave and never return. Not I realized that they suffer from postpartum depression.
I was afraid of being with others, even with old friends. If someone came to the door unexpectedly, I hid in the bedroom. I left the house a mess, and I'm distracted and confused me with ease. I enjoy reading, but it became almost impossible because I could not concentrate. I found it hard to pray, so my spiritual health suffers. I felt emotionally numb, unable to feel love for anyone. I was afraid of hurting the girls because I was not thinking correctly. My self-esteem collapsed. I thought I was crazy.
The road to recovery
Without the loving support of my husband, healing was definitely much slower. Jason listened patiently when I vented confide my fears. Riscontrai for me was very important not to suppress what I felt. Sometimes it even seemed angry. But Jason always assured me that he loved me and that I was not alone to face that situation. He always tried to help me see the positive side of things. Later I apologized for what I had said in a moment of anger. Reassured me saying that it was my disease talking. When I look back now, I realize how important for me his thoughtful expressions. Together
finally found a very friendly doctor who took the time to listen how I felt. Diagnosed that I was suffering from postpartum depression and advised me a medication to control the frequent attacks of anxiety. I also encourage you to consult a mental health specialist. I also recommended to do regular exercise, which has helped many to fight depression.
One of the biggest obstacles that I found on the road to healing is to face the shame that accompanies postpartum depression. People often find it difficult to show empathy to those who have a disease that does not understand. Postpartum depression is not, say, a broken leg, that others can see and which may therefore be taken into account. However, my family and close friends were very encouraging and understanding.
The loving support of family and friends
During that difficult time Jason and I have appreciated the help of my mother. Sometimes he needed a little 'breathing agitation that in the house. Mom was always positive and did not try to shoulder all of my work, in fact, supported me and encouraged me to do what I could.
Even friends have proved a great support. Many sent notes to tell us that I thought. I like those kind words were dear! Especially because I found it difficult to talk with people, to the phone and in private. Thus, writing, friends showed not only to understand the limitations caused by depression, but also confirmed their love and their concern for me and my family.
is not a life sentence
Now I'm much better, thanks to the advice of my doctor, family support and understanding of friends. I still exercise regularly, even when I feel tired, because it helped me to heal. I also try to respond positively to the encouragement of others. In difficult times I read books and listen to uplifting music self motivating. Find things that help me to be positive. It took me more than two and a half years to get to try more fully and show love for my husband, girls and others. As this was a difficult time for my family, we feel more united than ever. I am especially grateful to Jason, who confirmed to me his love in an extraordinary way enduring the worst moments of my depression and being always ready to support me when I needed it.
There are still days when I feel down, but with the help of my family, my doctor, friends, the light at the end of the tunnel becomes brighter. Postpartum depression is not a life sentence. It is an enemy that can defeat.
Factors that could cause postpartum depression
addition to hormonal changes, other things can cause postpartum depression. Some are: 1
. The ideas that a woman is motherhood, which could be the result of an unhappy childhood and a difficult relationship with their parents.
2. Unrealistic expectations imposed on mothers by society.
3. Cases of depression in the family.
4. Marital dissatisfaction and lack of support from close relatives or distant.
5. Low self-esteem.
6. Feeling overwhelmed or burdened having to deal with the baby full time.
This list is not complete. Postpartum depression may depend on other factors. In fact we do not know yet completely causes.
More than just "baby blue"
postpartum depression should not be confused with common mood changes following childbirth. Dr. Laura J. Miller says: "The most common type of mood disturbance that occurs after birth is to become known as 'baby blue'. . . . About 50% of mothers passing this sad period of emotional fragility. Usually reaches its peak between the third and fifth days after birth and then gradually disappears on its own within a few weeks. " According to the researchers this melancholy may be due to changes in hormone levels following childbirth.
Unlike the "baby blue ", postpartum depression involves prolonged states of depression that may start at birth of the child or even weeks or months later. The new mom who suffers a moment could be in good spirits and immediately feel depressed, even suicidal thinking. Also could be irritable, touchy and angry. You may feel a lingering sense of inadequacy as a mother and a lack of love for her child. Miller says: "Some mothers know clinically depressed at the mental level of loving her child, but do not feel anything but apathy, irritation or disgust. Others feel the desire to do harm to their baby or even kill him. "
postpartum depression is a phenomenon that has a long history. Already in the fourth century BCE the greek doctor Hippocrates noted the dramatic changes in psychological suffering some women after childbirth. A study published in a medical journal, explained: "postpartum depression is a real problem in many countries about 10-15% of mothers." Unfortunately, however, "in most cases, this depression is not diagnosed correctly and is not duly taken care of," says the magazine. - Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research.
A less common but more serious disorder that occurs after childbirth is postpartum psychosis. Sufferers may experience hallucinations, hearing voices and losing all contact with reality, though perhaps in itself for intermittent periods lasting hours or days. The cause of this psychosis are unclear, but Miller notes that "the genetic vulnerability, perhaps triggered by hormonal changes, seems to be the determining factor." A good doctor can prescribe an effective treatment for postpartum psychosis.
help themselves
1. If the depression persists, contact a doctor. Before you do, you will first begin the healing process. Find a sympathetic doctor who is familiar with the disease. Try not to be ashamed of your depression and not feel embarrassed if you have to take medication.
2. He regularly exercise. Research has shown that regular exercise can be an effective remedy against depression.
3. Tells you who is closest to how you feel. Do not isolate yourself and do not suppress what you feel.
4. Remember that you should not have a perfect home. Try to simplify your life by focusing on the essentials.
5. Pray for courage and patience. If you find it hard to pray, ask someone to pray with you. Continuing to feel guilty or feel unworthy may only delay healing.
Tips for men
1. Recognize that your wife is not to blame if you suffer from postpartum depression. If the depression persists, help her find a doctor who understands the problem and be sympathetic.
2. Listen with patience, your wife. Try to understand his feelings. Do not bother if it is pessimistic. Help her politely to see the positive side of things and reassure them that will improve. Do not presume to solve all the problems mentioned. Maybe you just want to be comforted, not get logical answers. (1 Thessalonians 5:14) Remember that postpartum depression makes it difficult for sufferers to think logically and clearly.
3. Reduce non-core activities to have more time to help your wife. This could speed up his recovery.
4. Make sure you have some 'time for yourself. A good physical health, mental and spiritual you will be more helpful to your wife.
5. Try to talk to someone who will encourage you, perhaps a more spiritually mature man whose wife suffered from postpartum depression.
What is postpartum depression
What happens to me? I just had a beautiful healthy baby. I should be happy and proud, but I feel so down and anxious, even angry. Am I a bad mother? Why am I so depressed?
if you just had a baby, maybe try feeling like that. In this case, you are not alone. It is estimated that 70 to 80 percent of new mothers sometimes prove similar sentiments. But what postpartum depression and what causes it? How can you overcome it? What help can give family members and others?
The term "postpartum depression" includes depressive episodes following childbirth. These may occur after the birth of a child, not necessarily the first or even after a miscarriage or termination of a pregnancy. According to the office that deals with women's health of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the severity of symptoms can vary greatly.
After childbirth, many women go through the so-called "baby blue", a period marked by melancholy, anxiety, irritability, mood swings and fatigue. These changes are considered normal, are of short duration and resolves itself in about ten days without medical intervention. However
the American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists estimates that in 1 out of 10 new mother these feelings persist and worsen after the first day. They can even occur several months after birth. This may be true postpartum depression, in which feelings of sadness, anxiety or despair are so intense that the new mother can not cope with daily tasks.
addition of 1 to 3 in 1,000 new mothers suffer from some form of depression called postpartum psychosis even worse, suffering that is hallucinations that often lead to harm to himself or the child. This condition requires immediate medical care.
There is no definite single cause of postpartum depression. It seems that there are both physical and emotional factors involved. A physical factor might be that during the first 24-48 hours after delivery, estrogen and progesterone levels fall dramatically, resulting in lower than before conception and creating an abrupt change in the physiological functions of the organism. This can cause depression, more or less as before menstrual cycles occur tension and mood swings. After delivery might decrease the level hormones produced by the thyroid, causing symptoms similar to those of depression. For these reasons, researchers tend to define postpartum depression a biochemical and hormonal disorder. "
is interesting that a medical report suggests that postpartum depression can be caused by a nutritional imbalance, perhaps by a lack of vitamin B-complex
Fatigue and lack of sleep also have an important role. Dr. Steven I. Altchuler, a psychiatrist at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota (USA), says: "In the period immediately following childbirth, lack of power and lack of sleep can make it look much bigger problems insignificant. Some women may feel frustrated by finding that he could not do the things they did before giving birth without difficulty, without 'baby blue' and slept all night. " Emotional factors such as an unplanned pregnancy, premature birth, the loss of freedom, concern for their physical appearance and lack of support may also increase depression. In addition, several
platitudes about being mother may contribute to a woman and make her feel depressed to think of being a failure. These include the idea that motherhood is instinctive, emotional bond that should be immediate, that the baby will be perfect and never nervous, and that the new mom should be perfect. In reality this is not the case. The duties of motherhood you have to learn the emotional bond often requires time, some children are easier to care for others, and no parent is perfect or is a "supermom."
increasingly recognized
Until recently, postpartum depression was often not taken seriously. Dr. Laurence Kruckman, notes: "In the past, mental health problems of women were undervalued and defined hysterical and not worrisome. The American Psychiatric Association diagnostic manual has never fully recognized the presence of a postpartum illness, and therefore the doctors are uninformed and do not have reliable data available. . . . And unlike 30 years ago, mothers often return home from the hospital within 24 hours. Most of postpartum psychosis, the 'baby blue' and some degree of depression occur from 3 to 14 days after delivery. So the mothers are already at home and not under the supervision of professionals aware of the symptoms. "
However according to Dr. Carol E. Watkins of Northern County Psychiatric Associates, an agency in Baltimore, Maryland (USA), if undiagnosed or untreated, postpartum depression can cause a long-term depression and difficulties in establishing an emotional bond with the baby. Mothers depressed may passively ignore the needs of the child or not control themselves and use the hard way to deal with the baby. This may adversely affect cognitive and emotional development of children.
For example, an article published in a medical journal suggests that children of depressed mothers succeed less well on cognitive tests than those whose mothers were not depressed. (American Family Physician) In addition, postpartum depression can adversely affect other children and husband.
What can you do? Just hold on? It is comforting to know that postpartum depression is temporary and can be cured. According the above-mentioned office that deals with women's health, rest and family support could be sufficient for mild symptoms, but if the depression prevents you from carrying out your activity you should consult your doctor.
Some common treatments are administration of antidepressants, meetings with a specialist mental health, hormone treatments or a combination of all this, according to the seriousness of the case. The "kangaroo care", ie direct contact with the baby, can relieve postpartum depression. There are also alternative therapies such as herbal, acupuncture and homeopathic remedies.
However, there are things you can do yourself, including eating foods nutrients (including fruit, vegetables and whole grains), avoid caffeine, sugar and alcohol, exercising moderately and taking a nap while the baby sleeps. Zoraya, a Christian mother who cried for days after the birth of a healthy baby girl, says he has managed to overcome depression by engaging in normal activities as soon as possible of the ministry of Jehovah's Witnesses. - For more tips see the accompanying box.
What help can give others?
As one of the main factors of postpartum depression is due to the lack of rest, others can help arrange some housework and giving a hand to care for the newborn. Note that when the extended family gathers around the new mom to give advice and help you experience a lot fewer cases of postpartum depression. Many times you can be of great help listening fondly, being reassuring and avoid criticizing or judging. Remember that postpartum depression is a disease and is not caused by your behavior. As noted organization that aims to inform parents on the subject, "a woman can not 'pull up' more than they could if he had the flu, diabetes or heart disease."
From the above it is clear that the period after giving birth can be wonderful for new mothers, but it can also be stressful. Understanding this can help give them the help they need.
postpartum depression should not be confused with post-traumatic stress, which affects some mothers after a difficult birth, even though both diseases may occur simultaneously.
Certain medicines may contaminate breast milk, so if you want to breastfeed, get advice from your physician the best treatment.
Tips to overcome postpartum depression
1. Talk to someone about how you feel, especially with other mothers.
2. Ask others to help look after the baby, do the chores and errands. Ask your husband to give a hand to prepare the porridge at night and take care.
3. Find the time to do something positive for yourself, even if only for 15 minutes a day. Try to read, take a walk, a relaxing bath.
4. Although on any given day you can make one, is a step in the right direction. There may be days when you can not do anything. Try not to get angry with yourself when it happens.
5. Often the isolation perpetuates the depression. Get dressed, leave the house for a while 'every day. The fresh air and a different view will do much good to both you and your child.
Adapted from: American Academy of Family Physicians, the Order American Institute of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and the entity is in charge of women's health.
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