of news in recent times there have been, and as usual I left behind in updating this blog. Well, I'll have too many deadlines before long time (you will understand this statement in more detail below), so I do not see why you anguish time constraints and other irritants. Now is the time, then update.
Quits after two years I resisted the employment relationship with the hospital and, more generally, the fantastic world of the public. Difficult to make a budget, a positive experience and negative at the same time, which perhaps was the only reason that losing the initial enamel as they jumped out the flaws of the public. There are those who continue to call me a fool to himself for my choice, risky and risky, maybe I'll do it myself one day but for now I'm so happy, really. "The result is the death of the worker," I heard from a person who for thirty years is rotten inside.
Just a week in Tuscany with my boyfriend and family to take a breath and go with the new job. And here is the news that become prominent. We move from managing and co-operate with external consultants representing the client to be myself a consultant, the seller. You go from a job with virtually no deadlines for a job where deadlines are all, are the essence of time that marks the work (hence the phrase in my introduction). I also spend to employ an hour and a half to reach the post, compared with 10 minutes of the old role. C'est la vie!
So far so good. Nice office, friendly colleagues, commute bearable. RimangerĂ² me everything I know, but for now it's okay. They are gassed, moderately (still a work it is). C'est la vie , even in this case.
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