For goodness sake, the Flying Spaghetti Miraculous (henceforth PSV), Summus ducis Pastafari of belief, it is a good deity and tolerant; Pappardelle its Appendices are always ready to stroke a faithful devotee of smearing sauce, although long time not devoted to Him a thought but I think just write two lines about the Pastafari I think, picking up a little bit of information here and there on the internet for glorify the PSV and to hunt for new recruits to the true faith! What does it mean to be
Pastafari ? Ironically, it is to believe not to believe, putting its faith in an invisible and intangible entity , PSV in fact, able to explain all evolutionary theories but not able to refute them with tangible evidence . Thus, a religion itself.
With an example (taken from the Bible pastafariana, The Holy Book of the prodigious Flying Spaghetti ) you can easily refute the presence of a spaghetti monster who watches over us all: it is known to all that the PSV pastafariani touch with its Pappardelle Appendices his followers to show love for his flock. This truth is demonstrated, is not only an act of unconditional faith
you understand yourself well, then, that this is the one and only religion that does not clash with science (I said mussel? Yes, the PSV also loves spaghetti with seafood). If there is not enough for this example, the whole Bible is peppered with demonstrations Pastafariana help us to understand that, finally, mysticism and evolution can coexist in a sincere respect, without having to put man at the center of a Hamlet-like doubts. We carry
A list of links to inform and convert. Remember, to demonstrate their faith every day is simple: just a nice plate of spaghetti with meat sauce and PSV will be forever in your hearts!
Wikipedia talks about the most famous of the world Spaghetti Monster!
The more serious about the Pastafarianesimo page on Uncyclopedia.
An interesting blog to follow if you are faithful DOC!
The Journal of Religion Pastafariana page.
5) The invisible pink unicorn
Other religious theory similar to Pastafarianesimo
For the most loyal and devoted, here's a gem: The Nativity
Ramen brother!
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